Chapter 10

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The morning sun was shining once again as a sleep deprived (Y/N) walked lazily to work. She never slept well after visiting her father. It always left her in a kind of depressed mood.

Some advised her not to visit her father when they noticed how sad she was. The thing is she acts the same when she hasn't visited her father in awhile so it was a useless solution. It was funny, she loved visiting her father but at the same time hated it.

Her heavy chest and depressed thoughts didn't change her smile tho. She always smiled through the pain, it kept her sane. The fake smile on her face fought off all of the worried looks and allowed her to go about her day without major inconveniences.

Finally reaching the gas station she noticed Malissa standing at the counter as always. Malissa noticed her enter giving her a big genuine smile. She always seemed to smile.

"Welcome Detective!" She happily greeted with her perfect singsongy voice trying to brighten up her day.
(Y/N) gave her a big fake smile not wanting to ruin her mood. Like every morning she headed almost into the back of the store where the sweets were located. 
"Morning Malissa." She answered from behind the sweet aisle.

Her mood worsened as the smile on her face grew harder to fake. The gummy bears were missing. They were always right here. Her sweet medicine was missing.

"Hey Malissa do you guys have any gummy bears in stock?" (Y/N) asked once again from behind the sweet aisle.
"Is there no more?" Malissa questioned loudly a bit confused.
"No, they're all gone." (Y/N) was getting annoyed looking at the other gummy bear choices.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N) but the next delivery is tomorrow, I think." Malissa sounded genuinely sorry knowing that her friend uses gummy bears to cheer herself up.
"It's okay I'll just take gummy frogs today. I guess..." Disappointed she grabbed the bag of green gummy frogs heading towards the check out counter.

Malissa looked sadly at the green bag in front of her scanning the barcode. Not only was it less colorful but it also costed a dollar more.
"Cigarettes?" Malissa asked still keeping that warm smile.

"No I still have a pack." (Y/N) mumbled handing her a five dollar bill.
Taking the bill she handed back the right amount of change handing (Y/N) her bag of gummies.
"Have a good day. Don't overwork yourself" Malissa kindly said waving her goodbye. (Y/N) smiled slightly at her comment also waving goodbye and exiting the shop.

Today was going to be an office day. She really needed to look over all of the video entries of marble hornets. Her office had a way better WiFi connection and a well working computer so it would definitely be faster than at home. For now the only thing she could really do to help Jay and Tim was too watch these unbelievable videos. Hopefully make sense of whatever was going on and try to believe them.

The intoxicating smell of coffee filled her nose as she entered the police station. Martin himself was drinking a coffee, his tired eyes watched her enter lazily. His messy brown hair was tied in a small ponytail for once not getting everywhere.

"Hey (Y/N)" His chapped lips formed a small smile as he desperately tried to keep his eyes open.
"Morning Martin." (Y/N) greeted him as well walking through the metal detectors into the office.

Before heading towards her desk she made a quick stop at the coffee machine. Grabbing one of the plain white mugs pouring a decent amount of hot black coffee into it. Black coffee was the only thing that could really wake her up in the morning. She was too poor for her own coffee machine so the cheap office coffee had to do.

Harold hadn't arrived yet his desk being empty. He really needed to tidy up his desk, there were candy wrappers and tissues everywhere. Usually officers had to bring witnesses to their desks to question them and with a desk like that the witnesses is definitely going to question your skills.

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