Chapter 3

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Sitting on a stone nearby she thought over everything that just happened. With shaking hands she nervously pulled out a cigarette placing it between her lips. Fumbling a bit with the lighter before getting a good flame out of it. Blocking the wind from putting out her little flame with her hand so she could light her lovely cigarette. Once it was lit she took a deep breath inhaling as much smoke as she could without coughing violently. It seemed to clam her down a bit blowing out the deadly smoke as well as her worries. She knew those things were slowly killing her, every smoker knew that. It just was so calming so enjoyable.

"Okay something was in that tunnel that scared the shit out of two grown men. Those men probably know who the killer is and maybe where he is." Talking to herself was a habit of hers. It helped her make sense of situations she didn't really understand. She took another deep breath of her cigarette before trying to remember tiny details of the past events.

"Wait I heard a name... Tom no.. Jerry.. okay now you're just going off cartoons. T-Tim? Yea Tim sounds correct." She had a name so she had a lead. At least she got a lead...

Whatever she just experienced back there she never wanted to experience again. She felt abused, her feelings felt abused. Something was playing with her fear and she didn't like it... Not one bit. (Y/N) couldn't remember the last time she really cried so it was quite the shocker when she started doing so because of nothing. Was she just sad? What could she be sad about? Sure there was a lot of things to cry about but not while your in danger, right?

Sad unpleasant feelings started to form in her chest. Okay she really didn't like where this was going. A long puff from the cancer stick helped her get her mind off depressing things. She didn't have time to mope around. Something weird was going on and two men could be in danger because of it. This could be her chance to find an adventure she'll never forget.

For now she just had to figure out who Tim was. Tim is a very popular name so it will be a pain to find him. But maybe if she's lucky Harold could know him. After all he seemed very familiar too her so he could be a local and Harold knew everybody in town.

That dude better be okay. She'll never forgive herself if they find a body near the tunnel. Where she froze and stood by while someone could have been dying. She wanted to blame her inability to do anything on fear but deep down inside she knew.. she was just trying to save herself.

Her shaking got worse as she was now basically sucking on the cigarette begging for it to make her feel better. The constant inhale of smoke messed with her lungs starting to violently cough. Smoke escaped her mouth and nose as she continued her coughing fit not being able to stop. Drool hung from her lips as the coughing finally started to disappear, wiping it off with her sleeve. She really needs to stop smoking this fast. Such coughing fits have been happening more frequently because of it.

Slowly she got up from the rock throwing the finished cigarette on the floor putting it out with her heavy boots. Hiding her shaking hands in her jacket pockets she slowly made her way through the tunnel inspecting the floor closely for any hints of anything.

Nothing the tunnel was completely empty. Just wet moss and tiny puddles decorated the floor making it look like a regular abandoned tunnel. If she hadn't experienced what she just experienced earlier, she would have never guessed that it would be unordinary. It was just a little reminder that you never really know the truth behind anything. The simplest of stuff can have the biggest meaning.

How many more weird stuff had been sprinkled all over town? Well she could probably find more if she found Tim.

(Y/N) sped up walking faster towards the other end of the tunnel. Nothing happened even after she exited and crossed that annoying rock filled ditch. It just turned into a normal tunnel. Good thing she remembered the way back to the parking. Well she did follow a path to get there so she just had to follow it again and sooner of later she will find it.

The sun was already starting to set really surprising (Y/N). Had she been out for so long? It couldn't be. Well there was no point in doubting mother nature as she just did what ever she wanted to do.

(Y/N) followed the path not wanting to get lost in this creepy woods. Following the trail led her right back to the parking. The friendly police car waited for her patiently, what a nice car. A smile of relief formed on her lips as she unlocked the car getting in as fast as possible. Once she finally sat in the comfortable leather seat did she notice how much her head was hurting. It definitely wasn't out of the ordinary. Headaches were almost always lurking around her. But this one felt kind of different. Almost like it was fogging up her mind making her shake her head violently trying to snap out of it. Turns out shaking your head while having a headache wasn't the best idea as it just made it hurt more. Wincing a bit she slowly massaged her temples.

Feeling save to drive she started the car feeling the engine roar to life underneath her. She loved new fancy cars.

The car ride made her feel a little better. She had turned on the radio draining out her thoughts a bit. She'll need to think later on but know she just needed some time by herself. Slowly she started to sway with the beat loosing herself in the music, still paying attention to the street of course. As a cop she was basically forced to follow each and every law. She was supposed to be an example for all those supposed drunk drivers they had in town.

Sadly the car ride wasn't long finding herself back in the garage where she started. Getting out of the car taking the file with her slamming the door shut and locking it walking towards the front desk. Martin still sat at the desk now playing with some sort of hockey ball. Some kid probably lost it in the station. Martin would find everything that people left behind. It kept him entertained.

(Y/N) placed the keys on the desk walking away immediately going through the familiar metal detector again.
"Thank you!" Martin called after her. (Y/N) was too focused on one thing right now to hear him. Talking to Harold.

Walking towards her desk she spotted Harold staring at a black screen. He probably ran out of stuff to watch. Slowly she came up behind him placing her shaking hands on his shoulder. A bit confused Harold looked over his shoulder smiling when he spotted her. His smile disappearing quickly when she noticed her beaten up appearance.
"You look like shit. What happened to you out there" Harold was concerned but also secretly amused. He turned his office chair around facing her directly. His concern showed more wrinkles on his face.
"Stop acting concerned it makes you look old." (Y/N) mocked him trying to pat down her messed up hair, throwing the file on her desk. 
"Wanna go for a smoke." She asked him holding up her lighter dangling it in front of him.
"Sure why not." Slowly he go out off his old chair following (Y/N) too the back entrance. The back entrances door was locked with a code which every police officer, if they didn't forget it, knew.

(Y/N) had a weak memory but she could remember the most important stuff never once forgetting the code. Harold however never seemed to remember it even after the thousands of times he watched her put it in. It probably just wasn't valuable information to him.
Harold stood by as (Y/N) opened the door letting them out into a little back ally way. Boxes of trash were sloppily lined up on the wall a bit of trash spilling on the floor.

Sitting on the steps that lead to the door they both pulled out their preferred brand of cigarette. Harold forgot his lighter so (Y/N) offered him hers.
Only after both cigarettes were lit and clouds of smoke were hanging in the air surrounding them with the smell of tobacco did she relax completely.

"I have to ask you a question Harold." (Y/N) started tapping off the ashes of her cigarette.
"About the case?"
"Yea kinda... Do you know a person in town named Tim?" She looked at Harold hopefully. He looked deep in thought.
"That little boy on Ri-"
"No a grown man probably about 27." She took another deep breath of her cigarette blowing out the smoke nicely.
Harold thought a bit longer scratching his chin with his free hand.
"It's okay if yo-"
"Um Timothy Wright? He's probably 27 now so it could be a match."

Timothy Wright? That name did sound familiar. He was probably in high school with her. That's where she could have heard his name.
"Timothy Wright huh? It could be correct." (Y/N) took another puff form her cigarette looking at a plastic bottle on the floor.

Could she have found him?

1620 words

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