mastermind Au pt2

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Hajime was staring at everyone in surprise, but he was scared. He didn't want anyone else to die the brunette cried into the sleeve of nagitos hoodie as mikan looked pained to see hajime in pain Then she looked at Monokuma with hatred in her purple eyes before looking softly at hajime "shhh... Its okay..." She said softly as she had a few tears welled up in his her eyes.

Fuyuhiko pov

I looked at hajime crying in pain then I looked at kaz and for some reason he had a sad and terrified face on. We had lost another friend. Now we lost chiaki and finally nagito. It felt horrible seeing more of us die...

At the restaurant in the morning

3rd person pov

It was silent at the table as everyone ate, a brunettes green eyes were empty and sad as he took another small bite of his pancake "what do we do now..." Kaz said... He was being serious. "Huh?" Fuyuhiko said with a confused face "what do we do now? The mastermind speaks through Monokuma and they saw our threat as a joke..." This set Mikan off, she got up and slammed her hand on the table with her head down and a shadow covering her face "he may see us as a joke... Now" she looked up and her eyes were red... "But with enough hard work and teamwork we can get rid of the mastermind and avenge those we sadly lost." She smiled creepily as her eyes practically glowed "the mastermind has seen us suffer long enough." Kaz said getting up his eyes slowly turning red "they've enjoyed our despair but... I want them to DIE" he growled

Peko got up and grabbed her sword as she looked up with her already red eyes glowing, she extremely angry "I want to avenge everyone... Im tired of us being used for entertainment." She growled. Now Sonia got up pulling on a few strands of her hair her eyes also red "im fed up with this... This S###! I HATE THIS!!" She yelled angrily fuyuhikos turn. "I will kill the mastermind. No matter what I have to do." He growled as his eyes burned red with anger hajime sat silent but his eyes were now dulled red he growled

"Teru didn't deserve this. Byakyua didn't deserve this. Mahiru didn't deserve this. Hiyoko didn't deserve this. Akane didn't deserve this. Ibuki didn't deserve this. Gundam didn't deserve this. Nekomaru didn't deserve this... Chiaki didn't deserve this. Nagito didn't deserve this none of us deserved this."

The atmosphere of the room was filled with a murderous aura. Anger filled the air.

With gundam

The black haired male shrugged hearing the others but when he heard hajimes voice he smiled hearing the despair in his voice he blushed hearing his crush say his name then quickly shook his head "FOCUS!" He yelled angrily at himself then calmed down 'that was... Cute though... Seeing him angry and in despair' he thought with a small blush on his face and now he was having blank out by that I mean he couldn't think of a motive but seeing them in despair could count as a motive? He was questioning himself then shrugged and kept watching the cameras seeing them all looking at each other in shock

"Guess they noticed their in despair" he laughed pulling his (fake) fur hoodie over his head "I wonder how this will go"

(This part is inspires by Rerewritesokaystuff one shots :) )

Then he thought of a motive, reviving someone. To see the despair on their face to see how there's barley anyone left.

After the motive announcement

"How about... Byakyua? He was our leader..." Sonia said her eyes going back to their natural blue "maybe..." Kaz said his eyes going back to Grey "I just want someone back..." Hajime mumbled his eyes turning green again "then byakuya it is then" peko said as fuyuhiko and mikan nodded "alrighty!" Monokuma laughed as he disappeared then the monitor turned on "oh by the by it will take a few hours" then it turned off.

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