Mr. perfect and the psycho

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Hajimes class was switched

Hajime has his own four devas named, rose, daisy, dandelion and wild flower

Hajime is considered 'perfect'

Gundam is very sleepy so he'll sleep standing up

Gundam is flirty towards hajime sometimes if he has the energy

Gundam is a psycho but keeps his... 'Hobbies' to himself

Everyone speaks a little bit of Japanese and Spanish

Hajime speaks fluent Spanish and Japanese

The 5th yawn of the morning was heard in the classroom "gundam how long did you sleep last night?" Mahiru asked with a slightly concerned face "about 2 hours" "WHAT?!" "Good morning!" Mrs Yukizome yelled as she entered the room "we have a new student, you can come in now hinata!"

A boy wearing a green suite and black jeans entered the room, the light from the window shined on him making his brunette hair shine a soft gold. His green eyes were illuminated and shined a soft gold as well he had small freckles under his eyes. He looked at the window and saw birds flying by and the beautiful blue sky with no clouds, He smiled seeing the beauty of nature. His kind eyes and handsome face left all the students staring and mesmerized, he turned to everyone giving them a soft smile which made all the students heart melt "I'm hajime hinata, ultimate wedding planner. I'm very happy to meet you all, you all seem amazing" his voice was soft and kind.

After class (still in the classroom though)

The brunette placed a shiny bag full of flowers on his desk "i planted these all for you guys, a gift." He said calmly as he got up and looked out the window. A butterfly landed on his finger "why hello there, how are you?" He started talking gently to the beautiful insect as everyone admired him. A loud thump was heard and it was just gundam falling asleep. "So who's gonna talk to him first?" Hiyoko whispered to the others "not ibuki! Ibuki is to shy!" "I-i'll go last i-if t-thats okay..." It all came down to the black haired male who was dead to the world "pssst! Gundam wake up!" Sonia said as she shook his shoulder "huh...? What?" He said tiredly "go introduce yourself!" She said pointing to the brunette who was still speaking gently to the butterfly "okay..." He mumbled then hiyoko clapped her hands in his face "PICK UP THE ENERGY! FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING!" She yelled at him

He walked over to the brunette who looked at him and smiled softly "hello" he said calmly then gundam gave his huge intro. Hajime giggled a little before saying "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance mr. Overlord" gundam blushed and hid his face "same to you..." The devas looked at hajime and their small eyes sparkled "oh, I have hamsters to" he said as he took his hamsters out of his hood "this is daisy, rose, dandelion and wild flower" he said as the beautiful hamsters looked at the devas (I head canon gundams hamsters are males but he also has female hamsters and hajimes hamsters are females)

A few minutes later

Everyone had introduced themselves to 'mr. Graceful' and watched as the hamsters played together on the desk, daisy was sleeping on hajimes palm "oh dear, your quite tired, was rose bothering you all night again?" "Cham-p! Behave yourself!" Gundam said as cham-p was trying to assert dominance on dandelion who was visibly scared. He looked over to maga-z and rose who were also sleeping next to each other peacefully. "Hey is everyone free saturday?" Sonia asked everyone but hajime nodded. He pulled out a small planner and flipped through pages and everyone saw his schedule was normally filled, he finally landed on a page and put his finger on the page and started reading "I am aswell" he said closing it and smiling "great! Then we'll all meet at the fountain then gundams head fell on the desk and he started snoring "don't mind him this is daily routine for him" mahiru laughed

The next day (saturday- hajime is now settled in the dorms)

The brunette was at the fountain with a flower crown on, he was reading a book then a knife was thrown at him and it landed on the seat next to him. He held on a straight face he looked to his right to see someone in a red hoodie holding another knife and he got closer to him. He stayed still and watched as the stranger came closer, he grabbed hajime by his tie and put the knife to hajimes neck "why good morning, senor hajime perfecto." The voice was gundams voice "good morning" he said with his normal smile he felt calm, surprisingly this didn't bother him he grabbed the knife next to him and handed it to him "I believe this is yours" "AHHH!" A female voice yelled then a thump "you got lucky." He said putting both knifes in his pocket and they saw Mikan was on the floor while nagito was standing next to her just staring at her (nagitos brain: welp.) Hajime walked up to her and helped her up "are you okay tsumiki Chan?" He asked gently as he moved strands of hair out her face

She blushed as she had a few tears in her eyes "please don't cry, here" he gave her a rose and she smiled "t-thank you hinata kun" she said as she held the rose close to her "hey tanaka, hinata" nagito said while he looked at Mikan with jealousy the black haired male let out a yawn as he stared at hajime in anger

After they all got there

In the back of the group Mikan held the rose close, her heart felt warm and she was happy. Hajime had made her feel very special nagito was still jealous since just like everyone else he had already developed a small crush on Mr perfect so this wasn't ideal. He noticed gundam spinning a knife in his hand as he glared at hajime but he knew about gundams 'hobbies' so he knew hajime was gonna die so he shouldn't get to attached to him but who wouldn't fall for his charm? He was kind, calm and so handsome. The other students were talking hajimes ear off but he listened with a smile and enjoyed his time with his classmates

But lets just say this,

Mr. Perfect and the psycho are soul mates

So I have a request for anyone who writes hinadam oneshots, okay so uh

Hajime thinks gundam and sonia belong together so he tries to set the up all the time but Sonia likes chiaki (or whoever you choose :) ) and gundam likes hajime and the rest is really up to you and also I'll be focusing on mine and the new soon to be drafted fanfic for a bit also I hope you enjoy!

Bye! (I feel like Isabella whenever I put the emojis)


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