demon au!

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Hajime is a demon who accidentally ended up in the human world

Gundam is the ultimate swordsmen (owo) but unlike Peko he carries an actual sword

Hajime is just oddly scared of humans for like no reason. None. He just thinks they look weird since they have no powers or horns ect.

Gundam is allergic to flowers (hajimes demon base powers are flowers go figure)

And it'll all go on from here

In the demon realm

A brunette demon sat on his bed looking at the ceiling, he was very bored but he didn't have anything to do. "Ugh I COULD go attend to what I ACTUALLY have to do as a demon prince but...." He debated for a second before going "NAH! Thats so boring!" He got up and went to the library "where is that realms book?" "Is there something in specific you are looking for your majesty?" A maid asked kindly, she had purple hair with white horns and blue eyes "yeah wheres that realms book?" "Your majesty your mother wishes you don't leave this realm." She said gently as the prince gave an annoyed face "pleaaaase?" He said giving puppy dog eyes the maid laughed before looking around and then whispering "don't tell anyone i told you but, its in the chambers, no ones supposed to find it" she whispered as the prince smiled "THANKS!" He yelled running away

"That boy is always going to get in some kind of trouble" she laughed as she started walking away

In the chamber

"Why does mom and dad have stuff like this?" He asked as he searched in the treasure around him before pulling out a purple crown with flowers on it "they don't need this right...? They already have their own so" he put it in his pocket "they won't mind!" He said then pulled out a book with a pink mirror on it, it said 'look in the glass and see your soulmate' "what? As i-" he looked in the mirror and saw a boy with dark hair and duo colored eyes one gray and one red he also had a scar on his red eye, he was polishing a sword. He also had a black jacket on with a red shirt

He threw the book "NOPE ITS FAKE!" Then he saw a golden book that said realms on it "found it!" He smiled as he teleported to his room putting the crown he found in a safe place and opening the book and reading "I thought this would be fun!" He yelled angrily until he fell on a page that said the human realm. He instantly felt scared he had a odd fear of humans "WHY DO HUMANS GET THEIR OWN REALM! IT SHOULD BE CALLED THE NIGHTMARE REALM INSTEAD!" He whined but then thought about it "it could be fun spying though..." He thought about it before saying the spell

Everything around the room started to fly around and he closed his eyes tightly before slowly opening them to find himself in a forest next to a huge building "this was a mistake!" He yelled in immediate regret "wheres the book wheres the book?!" He yelled looking around himself

Gundam pov

I was walking to hopes peak academy with kazuichi "dude you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Someone sounds upset, I think its coming from over there in the forest!" He said grabbing my arm and dragging me "GOD DANG IT!" I yelled as he dragged me behind a bush and we both peaked over it to see someone with flower markings on their face and brunette hair with green and pink eyes and a green jacket with flowers and black pants. He seemed distressed and was looking for something then we both noticed he had small pink horns with flowers and a long vine tail "what the heck?" Kaz whispered as he tried to get a better look so he moved to another bush "are you crazy?!" I whisper yelled

"AHHH WHAT IF IM STUCK IN THIS NIGHTMARE REALM FOREVER?!" The brunette looked like he gonna start crying "I DON'T WANNA BE STUCK HERE WITH THE HUMANS! IF THEY FIND ME T-THEIR GONNA KILL ME! I WON'T EVER SEE MOM AND DAD AND MY FRIENDS AGAIN!" Now he was actually crying the flowers he had on his horns and on his body as decor wilted as he cried in fear "aww poor thing..." Kaz said pitying the... Demon who was crying his eyes out then we noticed the bushes and trees we were hiding behind started to die and all the wild flowers started to wilt as he cried his tears were green and they burned his skin "maybe we should help him?" "No. Don't ever get involved with a demon." I refused "c'mon! Hes really upset!" "Kazuichi soda. The answer is final. No." I felt my hand get grabbed while I got dragged "kaz what the-" then before I knew it here we were behind a crying demon

3rd person pov

The two humans stood behind the crying demon who was now curled up in a ball "hey... Are you okay?" The brunette was startled and looking at the pinkette in fear and backed up "p-please don't hurt me!" Kazuichi turned to gundam who was holding his sword out "gundam put your sword away! Your scaring him!" "HES a demon!" "So?!" "Ugh..." He put his sword away and turned away with a scoff "I'm sorry but we heard you crying and wanted to know if you were okay" the demon looked away with tears still flowing from his eyes and down his face burning his skin "N-no... I teleported here and now I can't find the book I used to g-get here..." Kaz came a tiny bit closer but this scared the other so he put his arms infront of his face in fear "i'm not gonna hurt ya! I want to help you!" Kaz smiled at the demon who looked shocked "r-really?" "Yeah! C'mon get up!" "Well if your-" "WE" "WE?! I didn't agree to this!" "Well your apart of it now!" "Ugh alright but he's gonna need to hide his uh" he pointed to the demons tail and horns "I have a human form... I think"

The boy turned into a human his marks on his face now being tattoos on his arms, his tail now being a vine tattoo on his neck and his horns were now gone "is this better?" "It'll do." "But how are we supposed to do to get him in the school for all we know the book could have teleported in the school or anywhere" "your not helping him." The boy now had tears welled up in his eyes

Well now this will be a fun journey

What do you guys think of how they interact together? Don't worry things between gundam and hajime get better! Also how do think the others will react?



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