werewolf Au pt2

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Gundam and hajime were now in the house of the brunette, the black haired male sat on the couch "gundam! Off the couch!" He yelled "no. Im tired." "Then sleep on the bed!" " where??" " god... Follow me" the boy followed the other and opened his door and saw... The brunettes roommate?! She had choppy purple hair and had on a white hoodie with red hospital crosses "and where were-" she took a look at gundam who gave a head tilt with a confused face on "oh... I forgot to tell you, gundam this is Mikan, Mikan this is gundam."

After explaining

"Alright, we'll go buy dog stuff later." She said as got up and went to the living room and hajime followed "so how was work at the hospital today?" He asked seeing as she had blood stained on her hands "what do you think? I look like a crime scene." She laughed holding her hand up "oh dang!" They both started laughing as gundam watched with his ears down and his tail hitting the floor.

(In this Au gundam has always been a werewolf and stayed in the woods his whole life so now the rest of the one shot will make sense)

The wolf looked around seeing four doors, he tilted his head and started to explore the house opening each door.

Mikans room!

He opened the first door which was a dark purple, the walls were a light lavender with light purple hospital crosses and bandage rolls scattered on the floor with a lot of medical kits. There was also a white bet with red pillows and on the wall behind the bed said mikan tsumiki "so thats her name?" He mumbled as he grabbed a pillow and sniffed it, it smelled like blood and metal and even though he couldn't identify the smell of a doctors office, thats what he smelt. After he got used to knowing her smell he threw the pillow on the bed and walked to the next door

Hajimes room!

The next door was a neon green, he opened the door to be greeted with a very cottage like room, well not really but- the walls had painted on trees and the bed had been made, it was a soft green and the pillows were light brown. The floor was made of carpet and looked like grass. Fake flowers were scattered on the floor and there was a tided work desk with a few sticky notes and a notepad, on the wall over the bed was a wooden sign that said 'hajime hinata' he grabbed the pillow to sniff it and his tail wagged as smelt cinnamon, wet grass and wild flowers


The door was blue and inside was a white toilet and blue shower curtains. Boring.

Empty room

The room had a white door with nothing inside but a few windows

"Gundam! C'mon lets go!" He heard hajime yell as his ears twitched

At the pet shop

The husky looked around with excitement "alright hajime, no more fishes!" The purplenette said smacking the brunettes face "#### you." He cursed as he held the husky in his arms as he walked off to the dog section, "alright dog beds..." The husky sniffed one that was extremely fluffy and was red "that one?" "Yeah." "Alright get up." "No" he said angrily as he laid in the dog bed "god dang it." He mumbled angrily as the husky was rolling in the bed "c'mon." hajime said sternly as the husky finally got up

A little while later

Someone elses dog was barking at gundam since he kicked the other "you two need to keep your dog on a leash!" A Karen yelled as the brunette rolled his eyes "im sorry ma'am my dog is a little uh... Rude." The male grumbled as he looked at gundam with a glare as gundam growled at the other dog "c'mon gundam" he mumbled as he dragged the dog by the tail (never do that to a dog please this is a joke!) "This red and black collar looks nice" the brunette said holding a red and black collar "like it?" He asked as gundam sneezed and nodded then bit hajimes hand "OW! Gundam why-"

Now for the tent thing

"Alright... Almost done." He mumbled as he looked for a tent "this-" "gundam! You CANT talk unless were not in public!" Hajime whisper yelled as he covered the huskies snout.


"Alright and done" they decorated the room with many things "oh god where did gundam go-" the brunette looked in the kitchen, then mikans room then his "gundam what are you doing?" He looked at the werewolf who was now in his human form stuck in his light green blanket and in his forest green hoodie "how did you even pull this off" he said helping the boy "I dont know." He mumbled

A few hours later (its the summer in this au)

Another heatwave. The AC in the house was on but for the werewolf it still felt hot due to him being in his husky form (also quick head canon! I would find it funny if gundam randomly would just get to hot so he would take off his jacket and lay down on kitchen tiles and sleep, wait- can someone use that in a one shot- OH MY GOD-) he took off his shirt and laid on the kitchen tiles "gundam get up theres an ac in your room." Mikan said to werewolf who grumbled out a no, she grabbed his leash and dragged him to hajimes room for some reason "hes your problem." She said going to her room "what were you doing now?" The brunette asked as he read his book "all I did was lay on the floor." "Let me guess kitchen tiles are cold" the werewolf nodded then got on hajimes bed to lay in his lap

"Uh" he said confused as the werewolf was biting his arm and laying in his lap "boop" he said as he poked the werewolfs nose "huh?" He said confused


The next Au will be siren hajime au! So watch out for that

Bye! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

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