mission kinda failed?

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(Sorry the drawing is sideways 😭 I had fun drawing this tho-)

Nekomaru and kaz are trying to get hajime and Gundham together

No despair Au (their still on the island)

Hajime and Gundham are already dating 😂

Im trying to capture their personalities more in my writing so tell me how i did 😁

3rd person pov

The pink haired boy watched as hajime and Gundham talked to each other in the diner "the funny part was when nagito fell down the stairs after kuroi scared him" they laughed together happily "that stupid fool!" The black haired male laughed as he looked at the brown haired boy sweetly

"Hey ka-" the buff male was going to continue but his mouth was covered by the mechanic "nekomaru, what do you think of hajime and Gundham?" "Uh they're cool, they both have a really judgemental stare though..." He mumbled that last part "no no no! I mean together! Like, dating!" The other thought for a moment with his finger on his chin "dating huh?" He hummed as the thought for another moment

"I think they'd be great together!" "Right?!" He whisper shouted "and they clearly like each other but neither of them are taking the hint!" He pouted "its annoying..." "Then why don't we try to get them together!" The pink haired boy looked at him for a second with a shocked face "Nekomaru nidai you genius!! Lets go plan!" He yelled grabbing the other and running out the diner

"What in the name of Zeus?"
"Ignore them. Their idiots."

In kazuichis cottage

"so what's first?" The black haired male asked, obviously excited. "Hmm... I say we start getting them to try and get them subtly tell each other they have feelings!" "Sooo kinda like instigating?" "Kinda. Now I'll take on hajime, you take Gundham!" They both got up and left out of the cottage to find them.

With kazuichi and hajime

In the library

"Hajime! There you are!" The pink haired boy yelled from the door to the brunette who stood in front of a bookshelf, debating which book to read. "Oh hey kaz, need something?" "Do I need something to talk to you?" He joked as the green eyed male scoffed "and am I not allowed to ask if you need something?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. "I do have a question though, do you like Gundham?"

The brunette nodded in response, still trying to pick a book. "I knew it!" He mumbled to himself "have you told him?" The brunette just hummed in response as he mumbled "but this one has such a good storyline but I've read it so many times..." His eyes then sparkled as he grabbed a purple book "this seems interesting!" "And what happened?" Too late. With his book hajime was off "this is gonna be a Lil difficult..." He sighed as he ran to catch up with the other.

With Nekomaru and Gundham.

At the beach house.

"GUNDHAM TANAKAAAAAA!!!!!!" The boy screamed from behind the other as he debated what drink he wanted from the fridge, scaring the other who immediately turned around yelling "I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING-!!"

(Head canon: whenever someone screams gundhams full name he thinks he's done something when he hasn't, use this if u want cuz I find this kinda funny 😂)

The two stood there for a second and stared as the buff male looked at him slightly suspiciously 'did he do something??' He thought before shaking his head 'FOCUS!' "So pal what ya up to?" He asked trying not to yell so he doesn't scare him again "im in search of something to end my thirst." He said dramatically as he looked back at the fridge still trying to figure out what he wants.

"Whenever I need hajime here he is not." He mumbled, making Nekomaru perk up "huh? What do you mean?" He asked confused "hajime helps me make decisions when I can't and right now is a prime example." He mumbled angrily before adding "even though sometimes he can't even make a decision." "On the topic of hajime, do you like him?" The other looked at him "yes, it appears I've grown quite fond of mortal hajime" he said as one of the devas jumped onto the handle of the fridge seemingly trying to help.

"Have you told him that? I think he might feel the same! You guys would be a power couple!" The yelled happily at the other who didn't hear the last part "I am not a coward." "I know that and what happened?" "Our dance of time of the day proceeded?" He gave him a confused face as he grabbed a water bottle and left the beach house "i must take my leave and locate hajime. Farewell." He said leaving 'I NEED THE SPECIFICS!!!' He mentally yelled chasing him.


Later at the beach

"Did you get anything good? Hajime only told me he does like him and he told him before he started ignoring me to read his book." Kazuichi said sadly as he and Nekomaru watched the two boys scolded kuroi for getting EXTREMELY dirty with mud, water and wet sand "how did this even happen?!" The dark eyed book looked away nervously and looked like he was disappointed in himself "I uh..." He looked at Sonia and chiaki who were walking by and he immediately called them over "SONIAAAA, CHIAKIIII!!!!" He yelled as the two boys looked at them as kuroi ran

(I feel like they kinda view kuroi as their kid 😂 also like BRO DIPPED HE WAS OUT)

"Hey-!" Gundham yelled as he noticed kuroi running away. "Sorry girls, he uh..." "Used us as a distraction again?" Sonia asked as hajime nodded. The pink haired boy looked at the black haired male who sighed "he wasn't direct with anything..." He said sadly as well "this is a Lil annoying but im sure we'll get them together!" He said trying to bring up their spirits before looking back at the two boys...


"Love you." The brunette said to the other who grew shy only seconds after. "YOU TWO ARE ALREADY DATING?!" the brunette side eyed the two "uh yeah? Didn't you know?" "NO?! WE THOUGHT YOU TWO ONLY LIKED EACH OTHER!" the black haired male held his boyfriends hand as he started laughing as the other two grew embarrassed until he gave Nekomaru an idea





Hiiii omg im so sorry I have not updated but I have another idea I will start! I've just had no interest in writing for a while until two ideas popped up in my head and I have decided to start writing down my ideas so I can remember them to get them out for u guys! Hope you also enjoyed the art 😂



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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