Jason's new Friend

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Character belong to Uncle Rick

One day, Piper decided to go shopping to get new clothes for her and Jason and the rest of the 7. So, Piper brought along Jason to carry the bags.

"Piper! Do I really have to come? Can you just take Annabeth or Hazel shopping?" Jason asked.

"No, I need you. Come on." She said smiling over and walks off into the mall.

Jason sighs and follows her.

Piper first walked into Victoria Secrets. (( I am not a pretty make girl. I have no idea what I'm doing this xD ))

Jason froze and looked away trying not to blush.

Piper looks over and laughs softly. "You're not coming?" She asked

Jason shook his head.

"Alright, don't go anywhere." She said and went deeper into the store.

Jason simply went to sit down, turns out there was an old mortal next to him and she smiled at him sweetly.

'Holy Hera.. what if this is a furry or some kind of monster?' Jason thought to himself and smiles.

"How are you, young man?" She asked

Jason nods. "I'm alright, thank you for asking. What about you?" He asked

"I'm quite alright, just as good as an old lady can get." She said. "How old are you?" She asked.

"I'm 17, ma'am." Jason said.

"Ah, so young. I remember when I was that young. It was hard but exciting." She said.

"Why do you say that? May I asked what happen in your life?" He asked.

She looks straight at him.
"How's Camp Half Blood?" She asked.

Jason stood up rapidly and stares at her. "Y-You re a demigod?" He asked shocked.

She nods and smiles. "Daughter of Lord Ares." She said.

'How can an offspring of Ares be so nice?' He asked himself. "How long have you been living in the mortal world?" He asked.

"Nearly about 45 years." She said.

"How do you survive?" He asked sitting back down.

"Simple, become a mortal in disguise." She said.

"How?" Jason was now interested.

"Marry a mortal, ignore everything about a demigod and monsters will leave you alone. For example, there's a monster in front of you. Just walk pass it like any other. They could get confused with a mortal that use to be with a demigod. Never look at it, it woll attack. But, always take something to protect you in. A demigod life is never easy." She said

Jason nods. "I agree completely." He said smiling.

"You're the son of Zeus, is it a lot of pressure?" She asked.

Jason nods. "It is, very hard and I'm a Prater in New Rome." He said. "So, more work." He said.

"You're a roman?" She asked slightly surprise.

"Yes, but my girlfriend is greek so I move back and forward." He said.

"It rest has changed. Greek and Romans Hate each other." She said.

"Well, I think we fixed that up." Jason said smiling.

"Amazing.. truly amazing." She said and writes something down and hands it to him.
"When you want to tell me your story, call me. Or go to my apartment. Bring your friends along too. We can have sweets." She said smiling. "And ever need a place to hide from monster. You know where to go." She said.

Jason looks at the paper and nods. "I will, I'll tell my friends." He said.

The old lady leans over and hugs him.
"Don't die without making a mark on your heart with someone you love. A demigod real weapon is they're heart." She said.

Jason smiles and hugs her back. "You were friends with an Aprodite child?"

"What basic question is that my boy? Of course. Ares children are protective of Aprodite children, it's a feeling. Maybe it's because our parents are dating." She said and slowly stands up.
"There's still many out there who need you. So, don't focus much on work, focus on living. It's better than surviving. Trust me." With that she left.

Jason smiles to himself as he looks at the paper. "There still many left.." He said softly.

"Jason!" Piper called out and walks over and gives him the bags. "Here." She sad smiling.

Jason stood up and smiles and takes the bags then started making them fly in circles around them as they walked.

"Show off." Piper said.

He chuckles and kisses her cheek. "I'm just not carrying it. Anyways, where are we going now?" He asked.

"Forever 21." She said looking around.

"Good, I'm not going in." He said smiling. "I'm going to talk to old people." He said.

Piper looked at him funny and laughs. "Alright, you can do that." She said.

"Perfect." He said smiling as he walked. 


What did you guys think?? Was it boring or what?? I think I liked it!

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