Aprodite - Solangelo Fan

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"Hey, Aprodite!" Apollo said walking over.

"Yes, what is it, Apollo?" Aprodite asked as she was putting on her lipstick.

"What do you think about my son, Will and Nico, hades boy." Apollo asked.

Aprodite squeaked. "Oh! A gay love! Such an amazing love! It's My favorite Gay love! Solangelo!" She said jumpy.

"Oh? Really?" Apollo asked. "Why?"

"Because, come sit down I'll tell you!" She said grabbing his hands and sitting him down with her under a tree.
"It's sooooo cute! Because the way Will acts to get Nico's attention is adorable and nico tries so hard to ignore him but since he's so hot he can't! It drives him crazy!" Aprodite said smiling.

"I love it when Will takes Nico breakfast in the morning into his cabin. I'm like, oh my me! This is just so cute! He does that so he won't skip breakfast but won't wake up early and later he wakes him with the smell so it's just so cute!" She said smiling.

"Can you show me?" Apollo asked.

"Oh gadly! Let's skip to last week when they had their kiss!" Aprodite said and created a mirror and gave it to him as it zooms with nico and will.

Nico and Will

"Good morning, sunshine! I brought you breakfast! See, not to late and not to early." Will said putting down the tray of food on his table and looked over to nico's bed.

The son of Hades was shaking slightly and wrapped up in his blankets and sneezed. "S-Stupid.. Stolls.." He whispers.

Will walks over and looks at him. "Nico?" He asked as he pulls him over and looked at him, he set his hand on his forehead and gasps.
Nico was all sweaty and burning up, he had a tight chest and really dark bags under his eyes.
"Sunshine! You're sick again!" Will complain.

"It's not my fault! The Stolls they opened put a fan on me and AC on down to 56°F! It's freezing!" Nico said.

"I'll kill them myself later but now, let's get you better. You look like dead slapped you." Will said and taking out the bed sheets and taking off Nico's shirt. "Let's see.. you have a white shirt around here.." will said looking around through his closet.

Nico sneezed and looks over. "Will I'm cold." He said.

"Okay, okay. Stop whinning, sunshine." He said smiling and took out his shirt and puts it on him.

Nico looks up at him. "I'm dying." He said.

"You're not dying, you're just sick and if you were dying. I wouldn't live another second without you, sunshine." Will said and kissed Nico's cheek.

Nico blushed and looks up at him.

"I shouldn't take you outside.. you'll get more people sick." Will thought for a moment.

With Aprodite and Apollo

"Look how cute they look!! Look how he just kissed him! Awwww!!" Aprodite squeaked.

"I got to say, it's adorable." He said.

Hades was walking by taking Perphone back to Demeter and once Apollo spotted him. He's doom.

"Hey! Hi! Hades! Uncle hades! Come over here! Look at my son and your son together!" Apollo called out to him.

Hades groans and looks at his wife and walked away. (( he doesn't love you anymore xD yeah he's with you and stuff but man you guys have problems ! ))

"Why do I want to get into my son's love life?" Hades asked.

"Because you love him and cause it's really cute." Aprodite said.

Hades groans. "Fine, just a little bit." He said.

"Yay!" Aprodite said. "Another Solangelo shipper!" She said smiling.

"I have no clue what you just said but I don't care." Hades said and looked at the mist.

With Will and Nico

"Let's see.. let's see. I could give you a shot to make your white blood cells stronger!" Will said looking over.

Nico threw pillows, shoes, blankets and cursed in Italian. "RIVER OF STYX, NO!" Nico yelled.

Will backed away from him as the room got closer. "Okay, sunshine.. calm down.. note to self, Nico gets very emotional when sick." Will said.

"No shots!" Nico said.

"No shots, good done forgotten!" He said.

Nico signs and looks at him. "I know, I over acted it's that my times. Shots don't help they make you worse, I don't want to get any worse than I am already." He explained.

Will walked over and took his hands and bend down to look at him. "Sunshine, medicine has changed from that time, it's safe plus you have me now. What else is bothering you?" He asked.

Nico looks at him. "Sleep with me." He said.

(( HOLY hades girls don't take this the wrong way xD ))

Will turned bright red and stares at him. "Excuse me?" He asked.

Nico just noticed what he said and turn redder than Will and backed away. "I-i-i mind sleep like sleep sleep for the night not sex! Hades no! Not yet I'm not ready for you like thay yet! I mean I just have nightmares if Tarturas and I want.. you.m here.." Then nico sneezed.

Will watches him and wipes his noses. "Okay, I'll sleep with you." He said

Aprodite from Mount Olympus squeaked with such force.

Nico stares at Will. "Will, do you love me?" He asked.

Will looked at him and smiles. "Of course I do sunshine." He said.

"Good, you won't mind me doing this." Nico said and grabbed his chin with his two finger and lean in and kissed him deeply.

With Aprodite, Apollo, and Hades

Aprodite screamed to the heavens above her and was running around squeaking. "SOLANGELO~" She said.

"Well, my son is gay.. oh that wasn't a joke. Oh, opposites really do attached." Hades said sitting down next to Apollo.

Apollo was grinning like an idiot. "There so cute!!" He said. "I can't wait to see them when their older doing that in public!" He said.

"Ah, well. It's good, I hope so too." Hades said with a slightly smile on his face.


Sooooo sorry guys I was bring with drawing homework studying and drawing in cool letters anyways here's the update for today! I already have one for you tomorrow if yiu have any suggestions for me to make up a scene please comment! See ya later! :3

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