My Sunshine

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So, I'm sorry about not publishing. A lot of things have been happening but it's okay! I'm okay! All characters belong to rick!


The heroes of olympus were sitting at their tabled eating breakfast after the war of Gaea and decided that best to join with the Romans for protection. Now camp half blood and Camp Jupiter have become Camp Olympus.

The gods desende from olympus to join each of their children and having a nice time.

"Finally." Percy whispers.

"What was that, Percy?" Posideon asked.

"Nothing, dad." Percy said smiling.

Posideon pats his head. "Relax, everything is okay now. You've been talking to yourself a lot." He said.

"After everything, I do that a lot." Percy said smiling.

Suddenly there was an earthquake and a portal opened up and someone fell threw it as a string of black and red grabbed the person legged but snapped when the b portal closed.

They all stared at what just happened.

"I'll go see what's the problem." Ares said grabbing a knife from the tabled and stood up and started walking closer.

"Don't get killed, wait. Yes please go on!" Hermes said.

"When I come back, you're in a world of pain, Hermes." Ares said as he walked closer to the person.

It seems a young male with white slightly long hair with a black cape and broken shirt and pants. He was holding a gem tightly as he was slowly crawling and whispering.

Ares looked down at him and kicked him in the side. "It's okau! It's breathing!" He announced.

"Don't kick the person, Ares! You could kill it!" Athena yelled.

"Wouldn't that be fun!" Ares said then suddenly freaked as the man grabbed his leg and looked up ay him, shocking him and bend down.

"Please.. help me.." He whispered and past out.

Ares looked at him and picks him up and runs back to them.

"You didn't kill him?" Hermes asked.

"I don't think Hades would want me to kill this one." He said.

"Hm?" Hades said looking up from his cup of coffee. "What do you mean, Ares?" He asked.

Ares puts him down carefully.

As the gods got closer and took a look and gasps.

"Holy me. How?" Poisedon asked.

"Nicolas." Hades announced.

Nico looked suprised and looks at him. "Father?" He asked.

"Go to your cabin." Hades said. "Now." He ordered.

Nico stared at him then nods and walks away.

"What's the fuss about?" Jason asked.

"It's Nico but in an older form but from the future." Zeus said.

"What!?" The demigods said.

Apollo touched older Nico's hair. "Extreme emotional and physcial trauma.." He said and picks him up. "I'll deal with him personally." He said and smiles. "I'll be back!" He sang and disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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