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Okay okay I got this from a song from Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. I just love that song so much >^< it's amazing! Anyways I hope you enjoy this one than my other last two


Today was Percy and Annabeth wedding, and for once. Percy was acting like it was the end of the world, again.

"Wh-Wgat if riptide isn't in my pocket if a monster crashes our wedding?! What if Athena blasts me to pieces for marrying her? What if I start crying? What if Annabeth trips?!" Percy said as he was in a corner and shaking like a mad man.

"Percy, dude. Chill!" Jason said pulling back his glasses.
"Ugh...." Percy groaned from his corner.

"He's going to die if he stays like that." Frank said.

"We can just force the suit on him." Leo suggested.

"No, it will turn out all horrible." Jason said. "We need one of the girls." He said.

"I'll get annabeth." Frank said and walked out.

Percy puts his head down. "Our wedding will be destroyed.."

"You're the one who could destroy it!" Jason said a bit annoyed.

Frank came back with Annabeth and the girls.

"Percy!" Annabeth said giggling and walks over and bends down. "What's wrong, honey?" She asked.

"Our wedding could be destroyed. Our perfect wedding. I don't even wanna go out there." Percy said as he rolls riptide on the ground.

Annabeth laughs. "It's okay honey, I was just like you a moment ago so." She pulled out plans and notes had shows him.

Percy looks over and smiles.

"So if a monster comes out from the right we would have frank there to destroy it in a snap and if from behind we can have Leo light on fire and from the left jason and from up top our parents can do it." Annabeth said smiling.

Percy gasps and sits next to her listening to all her plans and her back plan then her back back up plan.

Jason, Leo, Frank, hazel, and Piper were staring at them like they've just been slapped. How could someone get so many plans just for a wedding?

Soon, percy got convince enough to get change and annabeth left to put her dress on.

Percy put riptide in his pocket and smiles off into space. "It will be perfection!" He said.

Jason rolls his eyes. "Of course it will, we will make sure it will be perfect for you." He said.

Percy nods.

"Guys, it's time. Percy let's go." Frank said from the door way.

Percy breathes in deeply and nods as he walks out with the others.

(( I know. Gahh xD ))

The wedding began and Percy was on top of the stage as he was breathing some what calmly and the music started and the doors went open.

Athena was smiling as she saw Annabeth walk in. Aprodite was giggling like a crazy person.
Poisedon gave him a thumps up.
Sally was smiling as well as she wiped her tears away.
Annabeth ' s father breathes in and out as he saw his daughter being taken away.

Annabeth looked up at Percy as she walked down to him.

Percy walked down and grabs her hand and smiles. "Wow.. you look beautiful, like really beautiful." He said.

"Thank you, Seaweed brain, your very handsome too." She said smiling and walks up to him and whispers. "I know your nervous so am i, so don't worry about it okay?" She said.

"Annabeth.." Percy said smiling and holds her hand as they began to say they're vows and soon the rings came.

"This one isn't going on your neck, annabeth. This one is going in your finger and show off to everyone your mines, now." Percy said as he slides on her ring onto her finger and looks at her.

"Well, I just hope, it don't fall off in battle." Annabeth said laughing softky as she took his hand and slides his ring on.

"You may kiss the bride."

Percy and Annabeth got closer and holds hands.

"I'll never let you go." Percy said looking at her.

"Never." Annabeth said.

Percy and Annabeth kissed and the crowd went mostly wild.

The Party

Percy and Annabeth were near the wall as they held each other and slow dancing.

"Say, wise girl." Percy said, "I'm really glad I married you." He said.

"Oh? Why is that?" She asked.

"Cause now, I can show you off to everyone how awesome you are and make them jealous that your mines." Percy said.

Annabeth laughs and holds him close. "I brought some clothes for tonight so we can change after we.. mess around." She said.

"Are yiu mocking me, wise girl?" He asked.

"Maybe.." She said smiling and looks at him. "We made it this far, who says we can't go further?"

Percy stares at her and smiles. "I'm not sure but I'm willing to go that far." He said as he kisses her cheek and smiles.

"We've been through so much.. it's as much as we deserve.." Annabeth said holding him.

Percy nods as he remember Tartarus, his friend Bob, he's quest for saving Annabeth and first time he saw Annabeth and let a tear ran down his face.

"Im just glad, I was able to protect you until this point.. without you I would go insane..." Percy said softly trying not to break down and cry.

Annabeth slowly lead him outside and closes the door gently and took his face into her hands and smiles as she was at the burst of tears but smiles softly.

"We were a team and we still are a team, percy." Annabeth said as the tears ran down her face.

"Im just so scared if loosing you now, your everything about me, Annabeth." Percy said as he finally started crying after years of hard battle he was letting them all go, he grabbed annabeth and hugs her tightly as he cried. "I love you, Annabeth. I love you." He said.

Annabeth started crying too as she holds him tightly. "Gods of Olympus, percy I love you too." She said.

For a while they've been there then stared at the stars above them.

"Do you think the stars got Bob's messaged?" Percy asked.

Suddenly all the stars started shooting, it was like it was crying as a reminder of they're friend Bob.

Annabeth smiles. "I guess they did, and they replied. Bob, the stars said hello to you." Annabeth said.

With that, the wedding went off very well under the night sky, with shooting stars.

This was really a night to be remembered.

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