Caleo - The Store

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 UHHH.. I guess i should say sorry about how short this one is >< im sorry anyways Enjoy!! 


Leo and Calypso was upgrading Festus behind Cabin Nine as Leo worked on his wires, he glanced at Calypso and said, 

"Calypso? What's wrong?" He asked. 

She looked at him and smiles softly, "Do you remember about us creating a store of manchines and my flowers and plants?"

Leo looks at her and smiles brightly and nods. "Of course, I remember! But, what about it?" 

"I..I want to start it with you.." She said shyly and looking at him then looks away. 

Leo's smiles went to the most it could and picked her up and hugs her tightly. 

"Of course, yeah, sure no problem! We can go and do it. I have money from a reward dad gave me for beating Gaea! We can make our shop. Problem is, where?" He said as he carefully put her down on the ground and backed away a good distance, not to get hurt. 

Calypso thought for a moment. "I really liked it in Texas." She said smiling. 

Leo thumps up at her. "My family lives there, we can start our store in Houston, there's a lot of need there." He said.

"Perfect!" She said smiling and touches his thumps with her. "Is this how it goes?" She asked looking at his eyes. 

Leo laughs. "Not really, but its nice!" He said smiling at her and kisses her head. "Come on, it's time for dinner." He said and finished up quickly with Festus. 

They both walked to the dinner hall.

Leo sat down with his cabin as he waves at her.

Calyso smiles and waves back as she sits down next to Chiron and walked for Leo to bump her arm and got up to give offer to the gods.

Leo stood next to her as she sat down, and ate standing up.

Chiron looked at him. "Leo, do you have something to say?" He asked.

Leo swallows his meat and smiles and nods. "Oh, yeah! I do!" He clears his throat. "Calypso and I, we're going to Houston, Texas soon to start up our store. 'Leo and Calypso's repair and fruit market!" As he said that, he moved his hand in the air.

Calypso laughs. "You're so weird." She said.

"WHAT?!" Said mostly the whole camp which made leo's plate drop to the ground and destroyed his meat.

He pointed at his meat. "Ah! My meat!" He cursed in Spanish.

Calypso laughs. "You're clumsy too.." She said. 

"But Leo! its dangerous out there." Jason said from his small table right next to Piper. 

"Hey! You're talking about me! The guy who defeated Gaea?! All the monsters will be scared of me!" He said. 

Jason sighs. "You will return here right?" He asked.

"Of course, I can't completely forget about you guys. Now, can I get new meat?" He asked and a plate was served to him and started eating again.

"Well.. if hes going.. I wanna go see Texas!" Percy said and Annabeth looked at him. 

"Percy? You don't want leo to go do you?" She said.

"What? no, i mean... Yes i don't want him to go so far." Percy said. 

Leo sighs. 

"But, I do have an idea for you." Annabeth said.

"Ohh, i like your ideas, Annabeth." Leo said. 

"How about.. we get you a store here in New York? Close here and since its cold in winter you guys can come here so you wont be so cold there, and maybe since you are great at building, you could help Camp Half Bloof get more mony to improve everything and be big like Camp Jupiter." Annabeth suggested and the camp was quiet and looked at Leo.

Leo's eyes sparkled so much it was like the galaxy went into his eyes. 

"I think he likes that plan, we can all take turns getting our special stuff into the store. We will all share to make the Camp bigger." She said. 

"I wanna do it! I wanna do it! I wanna do it!" Leo said repeatly. 

Chiron cleared his throat. "Alright, we will.. do this business and each week one cabin will bring and try t see and improve our camp, do we agree?" He asked. 

The camp boom in excitedment and clapping. 

Leo picked up Calypso and spinned her around laughing. "This, will be amazing!" He said and kisses her cheek and hugs her then throws his arms in the air. 

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