Why are you lying to me?|Victoria Monét

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Ariana and Victoria live together in this one-shot and are in high school

Y/n's POV:

"GO! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT!" My mom shouted at me as she grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me outside the house.

"Fucking get on my nerves." she mumbled as she went back inside and closed the door. I sighed and started walking to my best friend's house. I didn't even do shit all I did was ask her how her day was and I guess it wasn't good because she gave me a fucking black eye, cut my cheek with her stupid rings when she slapped me, and threw me out the damn house. I shivered as I walked up to my best friend's house and knocked on the door then waited till one of them opened it.

"Y/n?" Oh shit. Victoria's mom opened the door instead. Fuck, I didn't think this through.

"Hey ma" I said smiling weakly at the woman who was more of a mother to me than my own damn mother.

"Oh baby, what happened to you? Get inside it's freezing out there." she said as she opened the door so I could come in.

"I uh just got into a fight with some kids on the court." I lied, hoping Ariana or Victoria would come down soon. She hummed in disapproval.

"It's the middle of winter and you were on the court?" She asked as she rummaged through a closet next to the door. I panicked.

"Oh, w-we weren't playing or anything we were just talking and something I said pissed them off, I guess." I rushed out in an attempt to cover my lies while looking down and playing with the hem of my shirt. 

"Mhm" she said emerging from the closet after finally finding what she was looking for.

"Where's your mom baby?"  She said as she wrapped me in a blanket and went into the kitchen to get the first aid kit.

"Oh, she uh at work." I hate lying to her but I can't let her find out what really happened. The only person who knows my mom abuses  me is Ariana and she wasn't even supposed to find out.

"Really? She told me she didn't have work today." She said as she got out all the stuff she needed to clean my cuts. Shit. I'm stupid as fuck.

"Uh yeah I guess they called her in or something" I said looking around nervously as she eyed me suspiciously.

"Sit down baby I can't reach your face." She said making me sit as she started cleaning my cuts. Ariana usually cleans my cuts so this is the first time she's seen me like this and by the look on her face she doesn't like it.

"I'm sorry for coming here so late. Can I stay the night?" I asked quietly.

She hummed and finished cleaning up my cuts then put bandages on them.

"It's alright baby and you can stay over anytime you want." She said as she smiled at me and pulled me into a comforting hug. I sniffled feeling myself getting overwhelmed by my thoughts but quickly wiped my eyes not wanting to cry in front of her.

"Ma! Have you seen my pink skirt?" Victoria's loud mouth ass shouted as she came down the stairs.

"Child what I told ya ass about yelling in my damn house!" She shouted back as she let go of me making me chuckle. Victoria glared at me for laughing at her but her face soon softened and she gasped when she saw my face.

"Y/n? What happened?" She asked as she held my face in her hands and examined my injuries.

"Nothing much just got into a fight with some boys at the court." I mumbled refusing to meet her eyes. Somehow she can always tell when I'm lying when she looks into my eyes.

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