✨Sparks|Jasmine Cephas Jones✨

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They are in 11th grade in this


"Aye Aiyden you did the homework?" I asked my best friend hoping he did it because I did not do that shit.

"What? Nigga we had homework?" He asked making me sigh and shake my head.

"Lets just hope she forgets to ask for it."

Class was a blur I wasn't really paying attention tbh I was too busy staring at Jazzy. She's so fucking fine. People see her as nerdy just because she does her work. I don't understand that shit, just because she does her work that don't make her a nerd. I always stand up for her when they pick on her because that shit pisses me off.

"Um Ms. Fenty are you going to collect the homework?" Some kid asked making me and Aiyden suck our teeth. I rolled my eyes as Ms. Fenty started collecting the homework. I watched as she got to our desks and put her hand out waiting for us to give it to her. I ain't even gonna try lie myself outta this one.

"I didn't do it." I said with a shrug. She shook her head and moved onto Aiyden who said the same.

"Can't say I'm surprised." she said as the bell rang. I got outta my seat and walked up to Jazzy putting my hand around her shoulder.

"Hey gorgeous." I said making her blush.

"Hi Y/n." She said with a smile.

"Really nigga you just gon' leave me like that." Aiyden said catching up to us as we walked to the cafeteria.

"My bad." I said laughing.

"Ha ha so funny, anyways hey Jazzy."

"Hi Aiyden." Se said as we all sat at a table.

"What you got today beautiful?"

"Philly cheesesteak, you want some." She said even though she already knew the answer since she share with us everyday.

"Hell yeah." Me and Aiyden said at the same time making her giggle. So fucking cute. I saw her smile fade quickly as she looked to her left making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I look to the left to see Ethan, the stupid white boy who picks on Jazzy everyday just because she didn't give him her homework in 5th grade. Mind you we're in 11th grade now and he still mad he seriously needs to let it go.

"Hey freaks." He said making Jazzy look down. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't start no shit today Ethan before I tell everybody your little secret." I said looking him straight in his eyes. We stared at each other for a little bit before he huffed and walked away. Bitch ass.

"You ok my love?" I asked Jazzy holding her chin to pick up her head. She nodded with a smile making me smile.

"Thanks for always sticking up for me." She said hugging me.

"Ok lovebirds stop making me feel lonely and let's eat." Aiyden said making me roll my eyes for like the 50th time today.



Y/n and I had different classes after lunch so we went our separate ways. I really like Y/n she's nice to me and really cute. I was walking to my locker when suddenly I was shoved into the lockers. I sighed looking up to see Alycia, the  girl who bullies me just because Y/n pays attention to me and not her.

"I guess you didn't hear me when I said stay away from Y/n." I rolled my eyes.

"I did hear you I just don't give a fuck." I said surprising both myself and her with my new found confidence plus I don't curse a lot.

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