Exhausted|Victoria Monét

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"Baby!" I called out rubbing my 5-month baby bump. I heard her quick footsteps and watched as she stumbled into the room.

"What! What's wrong? Is the baby ok? Are you ok? Do you need anything?" She asked as she ran up to me making me laugh which made her relax.

She's been like this ever since we found out I was pregnant. She barely lets me do anything and prioritizes my needs over hers all the time. Sometimes it makes me feel guilty but she reassures me every time telling me that she would put me and the baby's life over hers at any time. I'm very grateful for her but I also don't want her to overwork herself.

"Chill out babe." I said chuckling. "I was just asking if you could bring me water." I said cupping her face as she leaned into my hand and closed her eyes. She kissed my belly and got up.

"Oh, sorry I'll uh get you the water." She said walking off. I sighed and frowned, I'm worried about her. I know she's trying to be strong for me but I know she has doubts about if she's going to be a good parent. I try to tell her that she'll be an amazing parent but she doesn't listen. She thinks she'll end up like her parents even if she's the farthest thing from them.

Her parents are...how do I say this...fucking assholes. When she was born they thought she was a boy so they raised her as such but when she started going through puberty and started growing boobs (although her boobs were barely noticeable) when they found out that she was intersex all hell broke loose. They verbally and physically abused her and then basically disowned her at 13 and shipped her off to live with her aunt.

Thankfully her aunt was not anywhere near as bad as her parents. Her aunt was also lesbian and accepted and raised Y/n as her own. Y/n and I met in 8th grade when she moved to be with her aunt and from then we've been inseparable now I'm having her child and I couldn't be happier. Although Y/n is literally the sweetest person I've ever met she somehow thinks she's going to end up like her parents. I just wish she could see herself the way I see her.

"Here's you're water babe." Y/n said handing me the water as she entered the room. I pecked her lips as a silent thank you and patted the spot next to me telling her to sit.

"Sorry babe, I can't right now I gotta order some stuff for the baby and try to set up their room." She said in an apologetic tone. I rolled my eyes and pouted.

"But baby you've been working on stuff since 8 in the morning I think it's time for a break." I said reminding her that it was 4:00 and she's been working for 8 hours now. She sighed before laying down next to me and wrapping her arms around my waist burying her face into my neck and rubbing my baby bump. I put down the bottle of water on the table next to our bed and smiled as I looked down at Y/n. She was looking at my baby bump with such love and adoration. She's so fucking cute. The baby started kicking and making me groan. They're definitely gonna be a mama's child. I brought my hand up and stroked her hair as she started talking to our unborn child.

"Hey baby, it's your momma. I can't wait to meet you. I don't know how much of a good parent I'm gonna be but I'm gonna try my absolute best to get you and your mommy whatever you want and need. I know you're excited but please stop kicking your mommy." She said laughing at the end as the baby finally stopped kicking making me sigh in relief. Y/n continued to rub my belly and tucked her face into my neck.

"You okay baby?" She hummed silently answering me.

"I bet, why don't you take a nap" I suggested but she just shook her head.

"I can't I gotta finish up some stuff for the baby then get ready for practice."

"Oh hell no. You are not going to practice after working for 8 hours straight. Are you crazy?" I said and she just chuckled making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Baby, I love you but I have to go I've already missed two practices. Coach is gonna kill me and Ash has been bugging me about missing practice." She said making me shake my head but laugh at the mention of her best friend missing her. Those two are inseparable, it's so cute.

"Bet he gonna be fine with it when your pregnant wife curses him out. I don't give a fuck if he mad I'm pregnant and I need my wife." I said as I reached into her pocket to grab her phone. Y/n just silently watched knowing not to piss me off more. She started rubbing her belly, it's something she does when she's bored or tired.

I unlocked her phone and looked for her coach's number pressing on it when I found it. It rang for a little bit before he answered.

"Hey Y/l/n not that I mind but why are you calling me."

"Uh actually this is her wife and I'm just calling to let you know that Y/n won't be able to make it to practice today." I said and heard him sigh before responding.

"What! Y/n has already missed two practices and we have 3 games coming up so-" he said but I cut him off before he could finish.

"Um with all due respect I'm pregnant and I need my wife to be here ok? So she won't be able to make it because her PREGNANT wife needs her and she has been working for eight hours so she needs to rest ok? I understand these games are important but the health of my wife is more important, got it?" I asked, the call was silent for a minute before he responded.

"Ok Mrs. Y/l/n, I'll let it slide for today but she really can't miss another practice she's our best player and we need her."

"Ok sir that's fine, thank you. Goodbye."

"Bye." I said hanging up the phone and putting it on the charger. I looked down to see Y/n laying on my chest with her hand on my stomach trying to stay awake.

"Go to sleep baby, it's ok." I said kissing her forehead before running my hands through her hair.

She smiled before slowly falling to sleep.

This one is mad short but I got a lot of stories in my drafts so more updates coming soon.

Please excuse any mistakes💘


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