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The next night I half expected them to not show up. Agreeing to the terms and actually following them were two completely different things and I wasn't expecting an immediate change in the two bikers. They usually came in around eleven, but eleven came and went and then twelve, I figured they found somewhere else to get a drink, somewhere that the people were too afraid to speak out against them. It wasn't till almost one that the two came strolling through the back door much to Ace's delight. They took their places at the bar and I set down the two shot glasses and poured the first round.

"I was starting to think that you boys had bailed on me." I smiled at the two, happy to see the lack of leather. I took a quick glance around the room made me even happier as none of my customers were beginning to flee. Most didn't seem to even register their presence, but I saw a few patrons eyeing the two yet no one moved. Returning my eyes to them my smile widened and Tig smirked while Happy rolled his eyes.

"And miss this face?" Tig exclaimed as Ace came trotting up to him.

"Had a job to do." Happy stated and I nodded. I watched as Tig pulled a bag out of his pocket. He opened the bag and Ace immediately jumped up trying to get at the contents of the bag.

"Don't give him too many or you'll make him sick." I cautioned and Tig nodded as he made Ace sit before giving him one of the treats from the bag. I laughed at Ace's obedience knowing that it wouldn't last long, I had tried using treats when Ace was still a puppy and had only gotten as far as sit and lay before he lost interest.

"What are you trying to do, make my dog love you more?" I joked and Tig grinned as he tried to make Ace roll over. Despite Tig's efforts Ace had given up on patience, he didn't like working for his treats. Instead he just followed Tig's hand with his nose and was trying to climb Tig's bar stool in an attempt to make Tig drop the treat.

"That's the plan." Tig joked as he caved and finally handed over the treat. I shook my head as I laughed at the scene.

The guys settled into their drinks while I waited on the other customers and cleaned up as the steady flow of people began calling cabs and paying their tabs. Since the bar hadn't cleared out the second they walked in I was much busier tonight than I had been in the last two weeks and only had time to refill their glasses before being called away by another customer. It was after last call when I got the chance to stand still and fill their glasses for the last time.

"I'm heading home to Charming in a couple days. Just wanted to let you know that it might be a while before you see me again." Tig said as I poured.

"That a good or a bad thing?" I dared to ask while setting the bottle down and glancing between the two.

"It's a good thing. I miss my brothers in Charming, but doll, I'm sure gonna miss seeing you." He leaned against the bar with what I assume he thought of as a charming smile. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head as I turned to Happy.

"Please tell me that girls don't usually fall for that." Tig's smile fell into a pout while Happy's mouth twitched with the smallest hint of a smile.

"You've got to be kidding." I said in disbelief and looked to Tig with mild exasperation. He smirked and I scoffed before laughing. I knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do when insulting a biker's game, but I couldn't help myself. Happy's lip twitched again while Tig looked seriously insulted that I would laugh at his flirtation. I had meant it what I'd said the night before when I thought Tig had been comparing me to the other women around the club. The girls that hung around the club had a reputation for being a bunch of whores that would do anything to be a Son's arm candy for a little while and I never wanted to be anything like that. It made me appreciate that my standards were much higher than a smile and some pretty words to get me into bed.

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