A Glimpse Behind the Curtain

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Happy POV:

Tonight was a typical Thursday night, the clubhouse was full of sweet butts and the music was turned up louder than necessary. I slipped out of the clubhouse mostly unnoticed, just having a quick word with Brick before heading to the bar. Tig had sent another bag of treats for Jade's dog and demanded a picture of the damn mutt to be sent to him. I didn't want to do it, but knew if I didn't the bastard would just nag me till I caved or killed him, either sounded plausible at this point. I was half way down the street when I noticed the yellow tape and then spotted a cop car in the parking lot. I slowed down as I drove past. The window next to the bar entrance was shattered like someone had thrown a rock through it and the door had been left ajar. I sped up to prevent creating suspicion and circled back to the clubhouse.

Brick looked surprised when I walked up to him. Anyone who knew me knew that when I said I was going for a ride they shouldn't expect me back for at least a couple hours and not to call me unless it was club business or an emergency. I never came back early and definitely not this soon after leaving.

"You're back early." He commented and I grunted.

"Something happened at the Cricket. Cops are sitting on the place and there's crime scene tape all over." Brick looked concerned and got up.

"I'm gonna make a few calls." He said and I nodded. He walked back to his office and shut the door. Kozik came around the corner then with some twiggy blonde sweet butt, they were both adjusting their clothes. He smiled at her and she giggled before placing a kiss to his lips and walking away. The sight was gag worthy, I would never understand why he was so nice to them, it only got their hopes up and made them clingy. I moved over to one of the couches and Kozik flopped down next to me.

"Dude, you're back early. Brick said you were going for a ride." I nodded.

"Drove by the Cricket, looks like some shit went down. Came back to tell Brick."

"Why would Brick care what happens at some bar?" Kozik asked and I wanted to smack him. It's a miracle he's survived this long with how stupid he acted.

"That's the negotiation bar." I said and could almost see the little light bulb over his head.

"Ooh..." He says and I nodded as I roll of my eyes. The sweet butt that came out of the back with Kozik brought us beers while I waited on Brick to finish his phone call. It was almost an hour before Brick came out of his office. He looked around the room and walked over to me. He took a seat on the table that was in front of the couch and damn near had to yell to be heard over the music.

"Just talked to my contact in the department. The Cricket had a break in last night. Guess Al's niece was shot. The detectives working the case think it was a junkie looking for stuff to hock. There's going to be a car on the place for a couple days in case the dumb ass comes back to try again." Brick looked a little irritated at the idea that cops would be hanging around the area. The Cricketwas only a couple blocks from the clubhouse. Extra cops in the area meant we had to be extra careful with our movements to not tip off Tacoma PD.

"She die?" Kozik asked.

"I called a friend of mine at the hospital who got into her records. She got shot in the leg, lost a lot of blood. It was touch and go for a while, but she's gonna be fine. Said she'd probably be out in a couple of days." I felt something ease in my chest at the news.

"What about the dog?" I asked. Brick and Kozik both looked confused.

"What dog?" Brick asked and I sighed. How did people miss the dog that walked around the bar every time we were there for a negotiation.

"The bar dog. Big brown thing with huge ears." I tried to clarify, but Brick shrugged.

"They didn't mention anything about the dog. Why?"

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