A Gentlemen

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I had never been so sick of the color white in my whole life, at least not till spending the last week in the hospital. The doctor tried talking me into going to a rehab to help me get back on my feet, but I wasn't having any of that. The bar had been closed for a week and if I didn't get back to work my customers would surely start going elsewhere if they weren't already. Iris said she could only take another two weeks off from work and I was determined to be completely independent again by the time she had to go back.

Tony and the boys came back down from Seattle to help Iris get me home. Tony just wanted to carry me up the stairs, but my stubborn ass vehemently refused. I needed to be able to get up and down the stairs on my own. It took me fifteen grueling minutes and several rest breaks on the way up but I managed to get up the stairs and onto the couch. Ace was super happy to see me and I cried when I saw him. I collapsed on the couch and hugged him to me. Other than being a little wobbly it was almost like he didn't notice his missing limb as he hobbled around, his tail wagging hard enough to make his whole body shake.

Jack and Ace snuggled up with me on the couch as I flipped through the channels on the TV while Iris and Tony made dinner. Ben sat in the chair listening to music on his walk man. It was nice. Usually we didn't get together unless it was the holidays. Mostly it was Iris bringing the boys down to visit once every month or two or I would drive up to Seattle to see them, but Tony was a welcome addition whenever he could get away from work for a couple hours.

The next day was practically a constant argument between Iris and I, with a few small breaks throughout the day. I needed to get the bar running again while Iris wanted me to take some more time to heal before spending so much time up and moving. Thankfully, Tony had helped deal with the insurance and had fixed the doors and arranged to have the window replaced while I was still in the hospital. Now that I was home, I had to go through and compile a list of everything that had been broken or stolen for the police and for the insurance. Luckily it hadn't been much, only the window, the door to my apartment and the coffee table that been damaged in the break in. All the money from the cash register had been safely locked in the wall safe and hidden behind a painting in the office downstairs along side all my legal documents and the more valuable jewelry that I owned. The only things stolen were the fifty six dollars out of my purse and my gold jewelry, which unfortunately for the bastard that had shot me, was mostly costume jewelry. Nothing that had been stolen was anything that couldn't be replaced or would be missed.

Iris continued to nag as I slowly made my way down the stairs to get ready to open. She was dead set against anything that posed a possible risk to my health though I didn't see how this was going to change anything or risk my health. I had made up a sign that stated that there would be no table service till further notice and I knew that wouldn't be a problem for the majority of my customers, though I was debating on whether to hire a waitress. I'm sure if Iris had her way I'd have a help wanted sign in the window by the end of the week.

"Iris, it's almost one o'clock." I finally said having had enough.

"So?" She says and crossed her arms over her chest.

"It means that you've sat there and bitched about me working for ten hours now. Two more hours and it'll be over. Maybe sooner depending on when the last customer leaves. I think you've driven your point home three times now." I said tiredly and pulled myself onto my stool and propped my leg up on the shelf underneath the bar. She perched her lips, but didn't say anything else and for that I was extremely grateful. I wouldn't admit it to her, but I was beat and my leg had started aching hours ago. The only thing keeping me going right now was the pain meds and the bills that I could imagine piling up on my table from the repairs, the hospital and the vet.

I looked up as the bang of the back door closing and was glad to see Happy and Kozik walking in. I was pleasantly surprised to see Kozik without his kutte though. Ace went running up to them and Happy immediately rubbed his head and gave him a treat before coming to the bar. Kozik took the stool that Tig had once occupied and played with Ace. It was cute, but it was far from the silliness that Tig displayed whenever Ace got within eye sight.

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