In It For Better or Worse

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"So Jack has been asking about Christmas." Iris started and I groaned.

"It's only October!" I moaned into the phone and Iris laughed.

"He's 8, Jade. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, he's thinking about Christmas." Iris laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Does he already have his list ready?" I probably didn't have to ask, if little man was already thinking about Christmas it had to be because of something he wanted.

"Oh yeah, it's about three pages long." Iris chuckled and I snorted.

"Of course it is. How do you and Tony afford these kids?" I asked as I flipped through the channels on the tv, bored of the typical daytime shows.

"We use the word 'no' liberally." Iris said seriously and I chuckled.

"Well that explains all the begging when they come to see me then." I mused thinking of all the times I had caved to their adorable faces.

"You're a sucker and they know it." Iris teased.

"Nah, I'm just the favorite aunt."

"Jade, you're their only aunt." Iris sounded amused.

"I know. But that just means I have to work hard to set a precedent in case Tony's brother ever gets married." I said seriously and there was a pause, I could just picture Iris rolling her eyes at me.

"Speaking of ever getting married, how are things going with Happy?" Iris asked and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Very subtle, Iris. We're doing fine, but that is definitely not a topic we're talking about. It's only been six months." I defended and Iris hummed.

"I knew I was going to marry Tony after the first month, what's holding you back?"

"Well knowing you're going to take that step and actually doing it are two very different things aren't they? We haven't even done the big proclamations yet and I'm okay with it. I like things how they are now, it's uncomplicated and there's no real expectations." I said seriously and Iris sighed.

"If you say so. But don't you worry about where you stand with him in your relationship? Are you sure he's serious about it?" Iris fretted and I rolled my eyes.

"When you met him, did he seem like the kind of guy to string a girl along for the hell of it?" I asked.

"No, but he did seem like the kind of guy who wasn't going to settle into the standard family man role either." Iris said and I sighed.

"Honestly Iris, I don't expect him to and I don't think that's what I need. I've done the guys with the standard 9 to 5 jobs with the nice cars and fancy dinners and who want the perfect wife with the 2.5 kids. The longest it's lasted is two months and then they're talking about what I'm going to do with the bar when I want to settle down or what my thoughts for the future are. Guys like Tony don't fit well with girls like me and I'm not going to change for a guy. Happy fits and I know exactly where he stands because I've never known the man to mince words." I hated explaining my relationship to my sister, she wanted for me what she'd created for herself and I just couldn't see myself walking in her shoes and being happy.

"What could he have possibly said that has you so certain about everything?" Iris asked and I smirked knowing she was going to hate it.

"He told me 'if the pussy ain't worth staying loyal to, it ain't worth the hassle of keeping it around'." I had to fight the laughter as I heard Iris' disgusted snort on the other side of the phone.

"He seriously told you that?" She asked.

"I told you, he doesn't mince words. Iris, it may be crass, but he sees my worth, he sees someone worth fighting to keep around. Those other guys with all their pretty words and tokens of affections, never bothered to look at my worth beyond arm candy, they all wanted to change me, make me into someone I wasn't to fit their perfect little picture. With Happy, he accepts me exactly how I am and I've done the same for him."

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