Unspoken Words

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Tonight was one of those nights when Kozik came in by himself since Hap was going to be gone for a few days for 'club shit'. He was nursing a beer and playing with Ace as I yelled for last call. Most of the patrons were getting up to pay their tabs or getting one last drink for the night. As the stragglers sat around nursing their drinks I started wiping down the bar and ended in front of Kozik's stool.

"Hey, Jade." He greeted and I smiled.

"Hey, Koz."

"Hey, are you thinking about getting a new tattoo?" Kozik asked, looking up as he let go of Ace's tug rope allowing Ace to prance off happily with his toy thinking he'd won.

"I'm always thinking about getting a new tat. But it usually takes me awhile to decide what I want and where. Why?" I asked as I leaned against the counter.

"Just figured it was you since no one else in the club had said anything." Kozik said with a shrug while I became confused.

"What are talking about?" I asked, Kozik looked up from his beer and seemed to catch on to my confusion as his brows furrowed.

"Hap's been working in his sketch book a lot lately. I asked the other day what he was working on and he just told me it was a tat for someone. Hap has only done club work since he patched in and no one's said anything about Hap doing a tat for them so I figured it had to be for you." Koz explained and I shook my head.

"I haven't said anything about a new tattoo to Hap." I said and Kozik immediately looked surprised and guilty.

"Oh. I feel like I may have ruined a surprise." Kozik grimaced and I couldn't help the smile that slowly crept onto my face. I gently patted his hand.

"Well, your secret's safe with me." I assure before stepping away.

"I didn't realize that Hap was a tattoo artist." I said as I took Kozik's empty bottle.

"He never told you?" Koz asked looking surprised and I shook my head.

"If you haven't noticed Hap doesn't like talking about himself." I said with a laugh, Kozik gave a chuckle and a nod.

"Yeah, it's a little hard to miss. As for the tattooing. Hap's been a tattoo artist for as long as I've known him. It's mostly a hobby from what I know, but he's damn good at it." Kozik pulled up his sleeve so I could see the tattoo on his upper arm. It was an intricately done Chinese style dragon in black and white.

"He did this for me a couple years ago."

"It's beautiful, Kozik." I complimented as I studied the design for a moment. A call from the register pulled my attention away and I quickly went to ring up Jim's tab. When I turned back Kozik was headed to the door, he looked back and gave a quick wave before slipping out. I frowned, walking back down the bar to grab up the bills he's left on the bar and picked up the napkin and empty fry bowl. This was a first, Kozik wasn't one to run out without saying good bye and it seemed strange that he would do so without an obvious reason.

The last of the customers settled up and left before I finished closing up and headed upstairs with Ace. It seemed strange to come up to a completely silent apartment. Even with club business Hap usually managed to make it home most nights before the bar closed. When he was home the apartment was never this quiet. There was usually the sound of the tv playing or the sound of Hap moving around, even his snoring, but when he wasn't here it was silent and that's when I missed him the most. Since Hap made moved in I had found myself leaving the tv on low at night when he went on runs or stayed at the clubhouse for the night, needing the noise to sleep without him.

I was slipping into bed when I heard the door open in the other room. Ace bounded off the bed giving one bark before I heard Hap's voice. Ace's nails clicked across the floor to greet Hap while I got back out of bed and folded up the quilt that I had pulled from the closet while Hap was away. I heard the tv shut off and when I closed the closet door Hap was already standing in the doorway and I smiled, glad to see him home and whole. I took a step closer and leaned up to give him a kiss, his hands going to my hips.

Molding StoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora