After Party

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After my talk with Barbara I remained on the couch and watched the crowd of rowdy men and mostly shameless women interact. It was intriguing how some women would interact with the men. They acted like those without a leather vest didn't exist, but the men in leather had their full attention if the member bothered to give the women even a moment of their time. It was mostly disgusting and I was only half surprised when I saw one of the men getting a blow job as he leaned back against the pool table.

I saw Happy come out of a back room a couple minutes later, Brick a couple steps ahead of him. Hap joined me on the couch and one of the half-naked girls brought him over another drink. Before long Kozik was back and sporting a self satisfied grin as he brought me a replacement whiskey. He chatted with Hap for a couple minutes, long enough that I had finished half the glass before Kozik turned his eyes on me.

"I believe I was promised a dance." Kozik said with a saucy smile. I quirked a brow at Kozik.

"Oh, you were, huh?" I asked and took another drink from my glass.

"I believe you said that I might be able to get you on the floor after a couple drinks." He replied and eyed the drink in my hand.

"But I'm not even feeling a buzz yet." I protested. At that Kozik gave up arguing rationally and gave me the puppy eyes. I laughed and then looked at Hap.

"Any chance of getting a dance with you?" Hap continued to stare at me blankly and I laughed, before looking back at Kozik.

"Well if you're the best I'm going to get then I guess I'll dance with you." I said dramatically. Kozik grinned and happily pulled my drink from my hand, setting it on the table next to Hap before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the couches and toward the 'dance floor' which was more like a small area next the stripper pole without any furniture to worry about hurting yourself on.

There was no slow dancing when Kozik finally go me to the dance floor. Kozik spun me around like a ballerina before attempting some sort of horribly done hip hop move. I broke into giggles as I started the robot. Kozik broke into laughter too as he watches me and then starts doing the shopping cart. I couldn't keep it up anymore because I was laughing too hard. I was laughing so hard that my stomach was starting to hurt. I could feel the eyes of some of the people around us, the people I had seen grinding against each other earlier. I could see some of them, the judgment behind their gazes but I didn't care, this was fun, more fun then I had in a long time and I wasn't going to let it die out because a few people thought we were weird.

Kozik and I were still laughing as we left the dance floor and walked back over to the couches where we had left Hap. As we got closer I could the amusement on Hap's face and it just made me smile more.

"You sure you don't want to dance?" I asked as I sat back down next to Hap while Kozik walked away to refill our drinks.

"I'm good." Hap said with a shake of his head.

"Well, you're missing out." I said and happily took my glass back from Kozik when he walked back up.

"Ah, come on Hap, don't be a downer. I'll dance with you, spin you like a princess just like I did Jade." Kozik offered and a new round of giggles started at the mental image of the two dancing. Hap just shook his head and shot a glare at Koz.

"Don't push your luck, Kozi." I warned and looked around at the increasing level of drunkenness and nudity around the room. The women that had been half dressed before were lucky if they still had their stockings on. Several members were getting their dicks sucked and I saw one couple in the corner going at it with the girl pressed face first into the wall.

Taking note of the people around us dropped my mood as I became uncomfortable of the would-be porn scene around us. Hap seemed to catch the change in my mood as he turned completely to look at me.

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