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Kozik said it would be best if he went inside alone to get Hap. He didn't want me in the system for bailing him out, figured Hap would be pissed if this marred my record at all. I had wanted to protest, but conceded to his point knowing Hap wasn't going to be happy about Kozik coming to me for money, no sense digging the man's grave any deeper with his friend.

I waited in the car as Kozik went inside. It seemed like hours before he came back out, but when he did I was relieved to see Happy right behind him. I could see Kozik talking, but I doubt Happy was listening to a word of what he was saying based on the pissed off expression on his face. I knew the moment Happy recognized the car as he seemed to look right at me before he turned to Kozik and grabbed a fistful of his shirt and said something. Kozik started talking faster and Happy released his hold on Kozik's shirt with a shove as he walked straight toward the car.

Kozik followed and sent me an apologetic look from behind Happy. I sighed and unlocked the doors as Hap got closer. Hap got in without a word and slammed the door shut behind him. Kozik was much nicer to the car as he climbed into the back seat. I didn't say anything as I waited for one of them to speak. After a moment it became clear that neither of them were planning to and I sighed again before looking over to Hap.

"Where do we have to go to get your bike?" I asked. Hap's eyes flashed to the rear-view mirror to look at Kozik who sighed.

"Don't worry about it, Jade. The club picked up Hap's bike last night. Just drop us at the garage." I nodded and started the car. The silence was icy as I drove back toward the garage. I could just about see the steam coming from Hap's ears as he glared out the wind shield.

When we got to the auto garage Hap threw open the door, slamming it behind him and marched toward the open bay without a word while Kozik sighed. He got out of the car and stopped next to my open window.

"Thanks, Jade. I'm sorry I put you in the middle of this." I smiled at Kozik.

"I couldn't let him sit in jail. I'm glad you told me." Kozik returned my smile and headed toward the bay door that Happy had disappeared through. I pulled out and headed back to the bar. If I was lucky I could get a few more hours of sleep before I had to open.

Happy didn't come in through the bar door before close and I was sure that he was going to spend the night at the club house since he was obviously pissed about how he'd gotten bailed out. I was surprised to find him sitting in the living room when I finished shutting down. He was kicked back in the armchair with a beer, some sports game on the tv.

"Surprised to see you. Thought for sure you were going to spend the night at the clubhouse with how pissed you were earlier." I said as I pulled a beer out of the fridge. Hap grunted, but didn't say anything till I took a seat on the couch.

"Kozik shouldn't have asked you for the money." Hap grumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"So you'd rather still be sitting in jail?" I asked and Hap shot me a glare.

"I told Kozik I'd have you pay me back." I said and Happy hummed before pointing toward the kitchen where a bag was sitting on the counter that I hadn't noticed before.

"All five grand." Hap said simply and I nodded.

"So what happened?" I asked and Hap looked at me blankly.

"I know it wasn't club shit, Hap. Koz said that if it had been club shit he wouldn't have had to ask for the money." I said and Hap grumbled about Kozik and his big mouth.

"I was coming back from club shit. Had to take a piss and pulled over. Cop caught me with my dick out." He said and took a long drink from his beer while I looked at him bewildered.

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