Defining Loyal

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From previous experience I knew that things changed in a relationship once things got physical. My last relationship had ended not too long after the first time we'd had sex because he thought putting his dick in me made me his forever. He said those three little words the next morning and had become consumed with knowing where I was at all times, knowing what I was doing, what I was wearing, who I was with, when I would be home, when he could see me next, and anytime we were in the same room he was all over me. If he wasn't holding my hand, he'd have his arms around my shoulder or my waist or a hand would be on my lower back or holding onto my elbow. It had driven me crazy to have someone so up in my business and trying to strip away my independence. It hadn't been a struggle to decide to break up, any feelings I'd had for the guy before we'd slept together had been replaced by hate and I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Everything had been over so fast that he didn't get the chance to introduce me to his parents like he had been planning and I had gone as far as installing new locks to keep him out.

I didn't expect Happy to change like that, I knew a change like that wasn't normal, but I also knew that getting physical was going to change things. When we had laid in bed after our first time I was bracing for the 'what are we now' talk, but it never came. He just got up, got dressed and said he was going to fix my car before heading out the door. There was no post-sex awkwardness and for that I was grateful. The only thing that changed was Happy began sleeping in my bed, even when we didn't have sex. Happy remained as aloof about our arrangement as he had been before, sex didn't seem to change anything between us and I was over the moon about it.

The only hitch in the road had been the night before a run, the first run since we'd started sleeping together. Happy and Kozik had been sitting at the bar the night before the club was due to set out. Hap had slipped away to go to the bathroom when Kozik had signaled for another beer. I set down the beer and went to walk away when Kozik caught my arm.

"Did Hap talk to you about run rules?" He asked and I wasn't sure how to answer. Hap had gone on runs before and Kozik hadn't brought it up before. I had thought run rules had been self-explanatory since Hap didn't bother to say anything.

"Hap's never told me about his runs." I answered hoping it was the answer that Kozik was looking for. Instead it made Kozik look irritated as he glared toward the bathroom door.

"Figures. Hap isn't the standard relationship type. This is all new to him, but that's not an excuse. Ask him about it." Kozik said seriously and I nodded. Kozik nodded back and removed his hand from my arm, though he still didn't look pleased.

"Thanks Koz." I said and he nodded before sitting back and taking a drink from his beer while I moved down the bar to serve the other customers. Questions started buzzing in my head as I worked. Koz had never come across as the nosy type and the one time I had been at the clubhouse to pick up my car no one had said a thing, just looked curiously between Hap and I before continuing on with their day. Koz sticking his neck out like that made me worry about how important this question could be.

The night seemed to drag after that despite how occupied my mind was. Kozik slipped out before closing, probably not wanting to be close by when I asked Hap about the run and Hap helped with the chairs while I locked up. He took a smoke break while I got ready for bed, I was already lying down when he came back in with Ace. I knew now wasn't the greatest timing but it was the only chance I was going to get before he left in the morning.

Hap sighed as he laid down on the other side of the bed and relaxed into the mattress. I waited a moment before rolling onto my side to face him. I hesitated as I looked over at Hap, I didn't want to bring up something that was going to ruin the image in front of me, Hap was by no means old, but somehow, he looked younger when he was here, away from the club and his brothers. I liked to think that it was because being here made him happy, that he didn't have to worry about anything else while he was here and I didn't want that to change with whatever was so important about this question.

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