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In their world, it remained the cool evening of September 3rd. Yet, in real time, they were inching toward a new decade, as 1969 came to a close. In honor of tradition, the peculiars were preparing for Christmas.

It was almost the same every year. Emma noted what they would be having as a Christmas feast. The young girls always loved to be in charge of decoration, even if Horace always went behind them to spice things up. Miss Peregrine hung stockings for each member on the mantle, and always placed the star atop the tree. All of the peculiars went out to collect the perfect tree, the boys (but mostly Bronwyn) carried it back to the house and cleaned it up.

"Are we going to get the biggest tree this year?" Olive asked excitedly, ripping her hand from Claire's to clap loudly.

"We cannot fit the biggest tree in the house, Olive," Enoch called from the back of the bunch of peculiars. His pessimism caused Olive to huff and pout.

"Well, I say we find the biggest tree for Olive just to spite Enoch," Hugh boldly announced, twirling Olive around and making her giggle.

"What color are we doing this year? We did red last year, and tastefully, we cannot do red again. How about gold?" Horace spoke from the right as he polished his monocle on his vest.

"I think gold would be just fine, Horace." Emma replied, pulling her skirts back as she walked through the brush.

"Why can't we just get Ash to make a tree fall like she did that one time?" Claire asked, motioning her little arms toward the dense forest. Ash's eyes grew wide at her comment.

Hugh looked back at his sister, noticing her growing red in the face. He looked back down to Claire, letting a strand of brown hair not pushed back by his goggles fall into his eyes. "Well do you want the tree to be dead or living?"

"I think it would be a great change. Like a black plague Christmas of sorts." Millard responded as he threw his cap into the air.

Ash jumped to catch it before he did. "I am right here, you guys."

"I know," Hugh said, causing Ash to stick her tongue out at him. "That's why I said it."

Hugh laughed as he twirled his axe around on his shoulder. Bronwyn pushed past the lanky boy, heading straight for a specific tree she had in mind. "Come on, bee boy. We are getting this one."

"Bee boy has a name, beast girl," Hugh sourly muttered. He followed reluctantly, shoulders slumped forward and with the shuffle of his feet. Fiona smiled as she watched him go, her hand gazing each tree she passed.

"What are everyone's favorite holidays?" Emma spoke.

"Oh, I just love Christmas," Olive sighed dreamily, twirling lightly on the tip of her lead boot.

"Me too!" Claire said from beside the girl.

"I happen to like New Years. Even if we don't see a new year. I just know there are explosives usually involved." Millard stated as he observed from far away. Invisible people and axes don't mix well.

"Thanksgiving for sure!" Hugh called, in between each swing of his axe.

"You just like to eat!" Ash yelled at him. Hugh shrugged in agreement and went back to chopping at the tree.

"I like Christmas too. So I guess we are all agreeing that Christmas is best?" Emma elected.

"I like Halloween," Ash and Enoch said in unison, even though Ash's statement was announced to the group as Enoch muttered it. The pair shared a smile as their arms brushed against one another.

The peculiars finally got a tree down and carried it up to the house. The house was bustling with laughter and life, unlike any time Ash had ever seen. Ash was put on tree decorating duty along with the little ones. Olive had her shoes off, pushing herself off of the ceiling in order to put ornaments on the top of the tree. Claire squatted on the ground, carefully handing each glass ornament up to Ash's gloved hands. Those in the kitchen making cookies had busted out in song, resulting in the whole house singing Christmas carols. Even Enoch looked happy, and everyone knew how rare of an occasion that was.

Miss Peregrine practically floated around all the peculiars, making sure each thing was properly in place. Horace followed the older woman around like a little duckling, confirming that each decor decision he made was to her liking.

"OH! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!" Hugh shouted as he strode into the common room where the girls were decorating the tree. He reached up and plucked Olive down by her ankle, anchoring her down as she strapped her shoes on.

"Could you be any louder?" Enoch grumbled. He was propped up against the doorway of the study, watching everyone run around like chickens with their heads cut off. That scene would have been more enjoyable to him.

"Ah, if it isn't our yearly Scrooge." Hugh teased, causing Enoch to sneer and roll his eyes.

Ash threw a glance over her shoulder. "Oh please, both of you could use some Christmas spirit. Or maybe Santa will be bringing you both coal this year."

"If I could be so lucky," Enoch lamely retorted. Ash chuckled at the both of them as their bickering continued, hoping they'd keep it light hearted.

Ash had never seen anything like this. Even the whole town of Cairnholm didn't seem this busy. But everywhere in that house, there was laughter, color, light, and joy. It was beautiful to see all of the peculiars so excited about the holidays, and was a significant change from the Christmases she had endured in her past years.

She could only wish her mother could see it, as she knew her mother would have had to seen the very same thing each year that she spent here. Ash wondered if she would be able to see her mother, if it would be alright with Miss Peregrine. She had no doubt that she wouldn't be allowed to, she could even ask Miss Peregrine to go with her.

Yet, she didn't know how mistaken she was, and just how it would change her life forever.

Change in Heart ▪ Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now