9. The talk

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No one's pov

Silence engulfs the dining table.

Millie stared at her trembling hands, the princess's parents were drilling holes at her head.

Sadie took notice and held the girl's hands in a comforting manner, glaring at her parents which they immediately looked away.

"So... May you introduce this lady to me?" Sadie's mom, the current queen asked her daughter.

"She's my soon-to-be wife," Sadie says bluntly.

"WHAT?!" The queen shouts furiously, slamming his glass cup on the royal table.

"Calm down dear." The king says, caressing her arm.

The girl immediately relaxes.

"My daughter, we already arranged a marriage with the McLaughlins." The queen says, now relaxed.

"Then cut it off," Sadie says bluntly, casually drinking her beverage.

"IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE SADIE, YOU ARE MARRYING THAT BOY NO MATTER WHAT!" Sadie's mom once again shouts, standing up and pointing at the unbothered girl.

"Dear... Please, It's the first time our Sadie has found love." The king tries to convince his angered wife.

"No way dean! She can't marry a girl?!" The furious woman shouted at her husband, looking at him like he has gone crazy.

"I suggest you not talk anymore further, mother. Remember, I have a way bigger influence than the both of you together. Just because you are my mother doesn't mean I won't hesitate to cut off your head." Sadie says freely, holding her lover's hand.

Millie trembled at how dangerous the girl can be, she would kill her mother for a common villager like her.

But oh boy, you must have seen the girl's mother.

Sadie's mom trembled at her daughter's cruel statement, her skin was pale than fresh milk. The woman was sweating bullets.

She turned to the butler slowly, "W-William."

The man finally woke up from his frozen state, "yes my majesty?"

"Please call off the wedding with the McLaughlins and prepare new papers for uhm... the two." She points with her trembling finger at the two girls.

"Oh, of course, I will also call Sean to assist you to the bedroom, you look sick." William bows to all of them and quickly calls for another butler.

Sadie smiles wickedly at her mother, "Thank you, mother."

The woman's breath hitched, she starts getting pulled gently by the butler.

The woman walks upstairs to her room.

Sadie's father sighs deeply.

"I'm so sorry my child, mother is just not doing well right now okay?" Sadie's father apologizes to his daughter to get a scoff from the ginger.

It pained Millie's heart when she saw the King's apologetic smile turn into a sad smile. He was more than a good father, he was the kindest soul for a king. Kings are normally wicked and proud.

"I'm very sorry Millie, you are perfect for my daughter." He says and gives the brunette a reassuring smile, the brunette smiles back at him.

He then walks off to the shared bedroom to cool down his wife.

Silence engulfed the table when the king and queen left the table.

Sadie turns her head to look at her soon-to-be wife.

Millie tenses up when the ginger brushes her hair.

The maids and butlers stare in pure shock and awe, it was the first time they saw their majesty being so gentle and lovey-dovey with someone.

"My sweet girl...?" Sadie calls out her name with a soothing voice.

Millie hums, still not used to this affection.

"Please come upstairs to my room with me, I want us to embrace each other's warmness."

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