13. Close

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A/N: Nothing really, here's a cute fluff. Sorry if this is bad my writing is rusted.

No one's pov as always'

As Sadie read her novel, sitting elegantly with her legs crossed like a painting. Her ginger hair was tucked behind her ears with a few strands blocking her face.

Sadie annoyedly brushed her hair away, continuing to read her novel, satisfied.

The bedroom door slowly creaks open, revealing several maids and a small figure wrapped in a towel that was way too big.

Sadie immediately removed her reading glasses and smiled at her lover, "you may dismiss." Sadie says to the maid, not sparing them a glance as her gaze was on her lover.

As the maids leave, Millie awkwardly looks around and fidgets, as the ginger's gaze is too sharp.

Sadie softly smiles and uncrosses her feet, she taps her lap, ordering Millie to sit on her.

Millie blushes and takes careful steps toward the mighty woman, as she slowly sits down on Sadie, facing her.

Sadie smirked and pulls the girl closer, Millie's breath hitched as they could feel each other's breath.

"Why are you getting so shy now love? you have no reason to be embarrassed as we just-" Millie covers her mouth before she could continue, knowing the girl's wicked ways.

Sadie kisses the girl's hand that covered her lips, like expected the girl lets go.

The ginger giggles and brushes the girl's waist and shoulder, her smile was replaced with a frown as she noticed the goosebumps on the girl's shoulders under the thin towel.

"I told them to give you a thick towel." She frowns wider, planning to kill each and every one of those maids.

"It's ok." Millie failed to cover her shivers, and Sadie's eyebrows furrowed.

"No it's not, what horrible timing and service, the fireplace had just gotten removed a few months ago.." Sadie clicks her tongue in annoyance.

Millie yelps at suddenly, Sadie carries the girl and gently places her on the queen sized bed.

"You need some rest, I don't want you to be tired and cold." Sadie covers the girl's body with the huge duvet.

"I don't need re-" Millie again got interrupted as a warm pair of lips covered hers.

Millie's lips moved on their own as she deepened the kiss.

Before the kiss got more heated, Sadie broke the kiss and smiled at the shake end girl.

"I would love to continue this but you need to rest." Sadie grins at the girl who looked disappointed.

As Sadie started to slowly walk away, she felt a small tug on her sleeve, stopping her from walking.

She turned back to see the brunette, her eyes begging her to stay.

Sadie sighed knowing that she couldn't walk away now, "what do you need love?" She teasingly asked.

"I-I want you to you know.." Millie felt embarrassed saying such words as she blurted out nonsense, indirectly telling her what she wanted.

"What?" Sadie knew that Millie was not the type of person to say sweet nothings or just particularly ask for anything so seeing her so desperate.

"I want you to stay with me.."

"As in like uh.. do that embrace thing." Millie adds on. Sadie smiled at her cuteness.

"You don't need to beat around the bush my love." Sadie got into the bed and went under the covers.

She turns her body to face Millie who was facing her, obviously getting shy at how close they were and how Sadie's eyes were staring deeply into hers.

Millie sees that Sadie wasn't making a move, she was teasing her.

Millie huffs and gets closer slowly until the could hear each other's heartbeats. She wraps her cold arms around the ginger's small waist.

Sadie laughs at the girl's fail attempt for a cuddle, she pulls Millie's hands away.

Sadie pulls Millie's leg, wrapping the girl's legs onto her own waist. She rubs the tanned girl's waist and smiles at how she got flustered.

Millie looks down upon Sadie's lips, they were red and plump, resisting to kiss them.

Sadie sees this and goes closer to Millie's face to just dodge her lips and kiss her forehead.

Millie exhales as she goes red, ignoring Sadie's giggles. She scolds herself for being wanting a kiss from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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