Mother's Nature (1)

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Mother's Nature (1)

He was never a morning person. Late nights and twisted dreams were the perfect recipe for shitty mornings. Shitty mornings always amounted to even worse days. It was a vicious cycle.

Perhaps, thought Wade, the cycle was coming to an end. For the first time, he woke up with ease. He didn't dream of anything. If he did, he couldn't recall anything more than a blanket of pitch black warmth.

That warmth carried into the morning. Sunlight was fractured as it spilled through the stained windows. Reds, blues, and greens spiraled about the furnished room. Though the sun kissed the room, he was entrapped in an entirely different warmth.

Jason Todd's arms encircled him. The left arm was tucked underneath Wade's neck, stretching across his pillow. Their fingers lazily twined. His right arm looped Wade's torso.

His fluffy hair tickled the side of Wade's face as he'd tucked his head in the crevice of his neck. Each snore relieved a puff of air that trickled down Wade's collarbone. They hadn't moved at all through the night.

Wade's lips stretched gently. He teased them with his teeth as the warmth of Jason's embrace attracted butterflies to his stomach. He lifted his head in an attempt to spare Jason's arm from the weight. A soft moan of displeasure escaped Jason. His arm tightened unconsciously.

He snuggled his body closer. His solid chest flushed warmth into Wade's back. That wasn't the only solid thing pressing against him.

Wade chuckled softly. His body shook, an involuntary whine against Jason's morning wood. The fabric of his briefs did little to contain his erection. Wade's innocent movement roused a deeper moan. He felt Jason's fingers sink into his skin.

"And I thought I was needy," He thought to himself. At least, he intended to, but he said the words out loud.

Jason's chest vibrated as a moan barreled within it. He nuzzled into Wade. He breathed out deeply, sliding his hand up to Wade's hips. He popped lazy kisses on his collar bone. "Good morning," He said between kisses.

"Good morning," Wade responded. His skin tickled beneath Jason's kisses. He shivered, though he blanketed him. He leaned into the man nibbling at his sensitive skin. "But I think we can make it better," He added.

Though it pained him to pull away from Jason's kiss, he did. He spun in his embrace, freeing the man's pinned arm in the process. Soon, they were eye to eye, and it was a sight to behold.

Wade smiled and cradled Jason's sharp jaw. He leaned in and kissed his swollen lips. Gentle, and careful of the split down the center. The kiss could only be described as natural. It made sense of their lips to be joined together, for his hand to rest on Jason's pecks.

He wanted to drink Jason in. To kiss him until he couldn't think, or move, or breathe. So he did. He leaned in, lips parting as he moaned.

He broke the kiss without thinking. His mind swam within the stars, but his lips had intentions to go lower. He pecked Jason's jawline. His skin skin tasted of mint, the flavor growing more strong as he teased between Jason's chest with his tongue.

Jason rolled onto his back, his eyes followed Wade on the path down his torso. His breath grew uneven. His heart crashed in against his ribcage. A rush of blood throbbed up his dick. He muttered a curse at his briefs.

Wade kissed his the fuzz on his pelvis. A dark chuckle tumbled from his lips. He could watch Jason's body react to him all day long.

He teased his finger from the base all the way to the tip. The fabric was soiled from Jason's precum. He licked his lips. His mouth watered as he anticipated the taste of Jason.

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