Killing Me Softly

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Killing Me Softly

Wade and Jason waited impatiently on the elevator. "We shouldn't have done that," Wade said as he fixed his mis-buttoned shirt.

"I thought we had time." Jason said.

"I know you did, I should've known better. That was stupid, so stupid. We have a mission and I'm more focused on your lips than the endgame." He hissed.

"Relax, Wade, we'll get them."

Wade stomped his foot. "I can't relax! Everything is at stake, Jason, and I've been screwing around with you like an idiot."

Jason shook his head at the sudden outburst. "Wade you've been working hard to keep everyone you love safe. You haven't lost sight of anything, we just got a little carried away. It's not too late."

Jason tried to rub his shoulders but Wade pushed him away. "We can't get carried away again. All of this ends tonight anyway." He said.

"You mean us? We're ending tonight, too?" Jason asked. He felt his heart sink.

Wade looked at him as if the answer were obvious. "Of course we are. There's no reason for us to work together after tonight." He said.

Jason reaches for him as the doors parted. Wade darted out of the elevator. A gunshot echoed through the deserted hall.

Wade broke into a sprint, Jason hot on his heels. He kicked the door to the boardroom open. He sprinted into the room.

His mother sat on the table smiling. The aroma of her pheromones filled the room. Her pheromones drove the men mad. They could do nothing but submit to her.

Terrance Gage quaked in fear as he watched his bodyguard kill the other. The burly man fell over. Blood and brain matter stained the tile.

The other guard, the one with the briefcase, turned his gun to Terrance.

"Stop!" Wade commanded, throwing his hand forward. With his other hand, he pushed Jason out of the room. The last thing he wanted was Jason under his mother's control.

The guard dropped the gun. He blinked in surprise. "I-I can't... Can't control myself." He choked out, throat tight.

Poison Ivy chuckled. "There's nothing you can do to save any of them, Wade. Why try?" She asked.

"I'm not here to save anyone. I'm here to kill you." He said, balling his fists.

Her brow raised. "Maybe we're more alike than I thought." She said as she rose to her feet. "Because I'm here to kill you too." She waved her hand at the window.

Jason clipped his mask on. He dove into the boardroom and tackled Wade to the floor. The glass shattered as a bullet tore through it. That bullet lodged into Terrance's chest.

Wade threw Jason off of him. He flipped onto the table. He threw his fist at his mother but she ducked under it.

Poison Ivy punched Wade in the face. She kneed his stomach and threw him over the side of the table. "Weak," She spat. "So weak."

Wade growled as he climbed onto his feet. He thrusted his hand forward. A root shot out of the ground outside and plunged into the chest of her sniper. He yanked his hand forward and the plant flung the man across the road.

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