Mother's Nature (2)

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Mother's Nature (2)

The decapitated heads began to moan in agony. Their deadly chorus was something straight out of a horror movie. The vines jutted out of their limbs curled back with screeches as the rot set course about the root.

He pictured taking Poison Ivy's life being something like this. Rotting her from the outside to meet her corrupted nature. To bring her to the most excruciating end he could imagine.

The roof shook over them. Jason jumped as a vine crashed behind him. The limb had fallen from the ceiling. He kicked the dead wood. Maggots wriggled out of the hole it formed.

He lifted his phone, the spotlight centered on a vine that'd sharpened to a blade. As it shot toward his face, Wade's power turned the vine to ash. Jason breathed his relief as it crumbled at his feet. He turned to Wade, finding his extended hand.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," Said Wade. His icy fingers welcomed the heat of Jason's hand.

They fled the crumbling lab together. As they climbed onto Jason's bike and sped away, Wade spared a glance at the building over his shoulder. The rot had made it to the top of the tree, and the entire building caved in.

Once back at the safehouse, Wade pulled the flash drive from his pocket, hands shaking as he did so. He set it in Jason's palm. "Think your super computer can decrypt this?"

Jason snorted. "If Mother Nature can hack it, I'm sure the Bat can. Just give me a few hours in the Bat Cave and I got you." He said as he slid it into his jeans.

"Great. I'll just... I'll be here, I guess." He traced his finger across the. "Trying not to go stir crazy." He added.

Jason rolled his eyes. "You could always come with. If you aren't scared to meet Bruce's gaze of disappointment."

Wade snorted. "Bruce emails me every month to check in, I think he saves that look specifically for you. Maybe Grayson too." He said.

"I forget you can do no wrong in Bruce's eyes."

"Oh please," Wade rolled his eyes and shrugged his coat off. "Bruce doesn't do it out of the kindness of his heart, he does it because of what you saw today." He pointed to Jason's phone.

"That video? That root is just a fraction of what we can do when we're together. Ivy never made my sisters do what I did..." He gulped the bile that rose at the memories. "But she channeled them. The night Batman took her down, she tried to channel me..."

Wade grimaced. He sucked his teeth and rid his face of the darkness that had settled upon it. "That didn't work out well for her, thank god." He forced a laugh.

Jason nodded slowly. "So that's the reason he forced me to babysit you. I see, I see." He teased.

Wade rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you needed much force. I practically begged you to leave me alone when we met."

"You mean the night I saved your ass at the abandoned ACE?" Jason retorted, brows lifted. He leaned against the dresser, picking Wade's hand into his own.

"I don't remember it that way, but if that'll get you to the Bat Cave sooner, you did save me." He said, wiggling his fingers into Jason's.

"You know what would move me a lot faster?" Asked Jason. His eyes fell onto Wade's cherry lips. He licked his own as a hunger grew inside. He watched them curl into a smirk and looked back into Wade's eyes.

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