State of Mind

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State of Mind

MISSED CALLS: Jason (16), Hazel (6), Abby (5)

He didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't want to know, either. Hell, he was so out of it, that he didn't even know how he got to the bar. Nor did he know how many drinks he had.

He leaned against the bar. Empty shot glasses lined up in rows before him. He could barely keep his head up.

"An..another.." He said, a heavy finger signaling the barkeep.

"Are you sure? This is your eleventh shot. I don't..."

Wade slammed his hand down on the bar. The thud silenced every patron. The glasses on the counter rattled. Even the jukebox switched off.

"Do I look li... Just get me another drink!" He barked. Spit flew past his lips.

The barkeep nodded. He sighed and reached under the bar. He poured another shot of tequila for Wade.

Wade clapped his hands. "Congratulations, you actually know how to do your job!" He cheered, words slurred together.

He grabbed the glass. He threw the shot back without wincing. After the 6th round they seemed to go down like water.

The fern behind him was judging. He could not only hear it, but feel it. He didn't care.

He didn't care about anything anymore.

Wade slammed the glass on the table. He used just enough force to shatter the glass. Shards went flying across the bar. One shard in particular hit a woman's arm.

She yelled. The man beside her jumped up. "What the hell man?" He snarled, fists balled.

Wade glanced at the man. He was built. Wade figured he worked on the docks. He looked like a warehouse man. An angry one at that.

Wade snickered. "Whoops," He said. "Another, actually..." He burped. "Make it three for my new friends."

"Maybe you've had enough, buddy." The man said. He dropped a heavy hand on Wade's shoulder.

"Maybe you should your hand off of me. That's if you want to keep it anyway," Wade said. His drunken smile faded quickly.

The man scoffed. He raised his free fist. He took a swing at Wade but his hand was caught before it could connect.

The man's eyes travelled up the arm of that hand. He locked eyes with Jason Todd.

"I think you should go back to your stool," Jason said. "Before this gets ugly," He warned. He threw the man's fist back to him.

The imposing man stumbled back. He glanced at his girl, pride obviously hurt, then turned back to Jason and Wade. He balled his fists again.

"Come on, Bro, you really want to make a scene right now?" Jason asked. He was all for a little action but his main priority was Wade.

The bartender filled Wade's glass. "Good man." Wade praised. He threw his shot back.

The man swung at Jason. Jason caught his arm again. He twisted it until the man spun around. His arm popped. Jason slammed his head against the bar.

The woman he came with screamed. "Stop it!"

"Now she says something." Wade muttered, shaking his head.

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