There's A Place For Us

911 57 13

There's A Place For Us

When he returned to Gotham, Jason Todd picked him up from the airport on a motorcycle. 10 minutes of protest from Wade listing the possible effects of an accident preceded him getting on the bike. Of course Jason didn't ask nicely.

He said something along the lines of "Get on or get ran over." So Wade had no choice but to oblige.

They took a short ride to a safe house. From there, they devised a plan to find Wade's parents. A full blown investigation of sorts. An investigation that went on for a month.

If you'd told Wade 5 months ago that he'd be living with Robin, he probably would've bursted out laughing. The idea was so ridiculous. If you told him 3 months ago, he would've punched him you the face.

The surprising thing is, they had fallen into a routine. It wasn't perfect, of course, nothing ever is. But it worked.

Wade sighed as he Tulip ended their phone call. She missed him and oddly enough, he missed her. However, he never missed a call. She called every morning and he called every night before bed.

He set the phone aside as Jason slid a plate of food in front of him. He made a face.

"Chicken breast, baked potato and broccoli? Okay, Jay, do you have a second job as a chef or something because this looks amazing," Complimented Wade.

Jason smirked. He sat across from Wade with his own plate of food. "I'm a man of many talents, you should know that by now Isley." He said with a wink.

Wade rolled his eyes and took a bite. He moaned as a burst of flavor glided across his tongue. He looked at Jason, seeing him in a new light.

"No, seriously, Jason this is.. Oh my god this is better than sex. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Wade asked.

"Woah, lets not get carried away. We have Earth shaking sex. Nothing is better than our sex. We've got a room full of carnations to prove it." Jason said, pointing a fork in Wade's direction.

"I'm serious," Wade said. "I feel like we don't know anything about each other."

"I thought you didn't want us to get to know each other? I thought I was just a 'warm body'." Jason teased with air quotes.

"Okay, no fair. I was being an asshole and that was a month ago. Things have changed. I... I want to know you. Because I feel like all we've ever done is get mixed up in my baggage." Wade explained.

"Alright, fine," Jason said. He chomped on a broccoli stalk. After he swallowed, he sighed.

"Before my parents crapped out, my dad used to steal to keep the lights on. That left me and my mom alone most days but she was too strung out to even notice I was there. It got worse when me dad caught a bid at Blackgate."

"She was all I had... No, I was all she had. Aside from the drugs. She could barely keep it together long enough to shower, let alone cook. So I had to learn. Or else we wouldn't eat. Same with Uncle Ray." Jason said.

Wade watched Jason as he spoke. He could see how hard Jason was trying. Trying not to let the pain show. He knew how that felt all too well.

"That's fucked up," Wade said.

"Extremely, but that's life right?" Jason returned with a shrug.

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