The Safety Dance

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The Safety Dance
Warning: Suggestive language

"This'll be over tonight Tulip, I promise. Then I'll come back to Marais and rescue you from Auntie Abby and Hazel." Wade said to the girl as he fastened his bowtie.

"Are you going to a party? You look fancy." She complimented from the screen perched on the dresser.

"Yes, I'm going to a party. I have to meet a very important person there."


"Because people like to meet at parties for some reason. Your guess is as good as mine, Kiddo."

"Who is that?"

Wade started to ask what she meant when he caught a whiff of Jason's cologne. He glanced at the man in the mirror. His navy tux hugged his body in all the right places. For once, his messy hair was tamed. Slicked back and shiny like the oxfords on his feet. Wade couldn't help but look at his slacks. He noticed how they sported Jason's manhood.

"Hey, do you want to start heading o... Oh shit, I mean Crap, I didn't know you were still on the phone." Jason said. He noticed the green little girl watching him in the phone.

Wade shook his head. He blinked a few times to dispel the dirty thoughts coursing through his mind. "I'm sorry what?" He asked.

"Hi, I'm Tulip!"

Jason smiled and did a little wave. "I'm Jason. Nice to meet you." He said.

Tulip smiled back. "Are you and my Daddy dating?" She asked.

Wade choked on air. "Tulip I don't think-"

"Actually, Tulip, your Daddy and I are just friends. Really, really, good friends." Jason told her, noticing the conflicted look in Wade's eyes. He leaned in to whisper not-so-quietly his next bit. "Between you and me, your daddy's a little out of my league."

Tulip giggled. "I like you, Jason. Can you be my friend too?"

"Of course I'll be your friend. Besties, if you want." Jason said.

"Besties? Yay!"

"Now that we're besties, you have to be honest. Do I look good in this tux?" He asked. He turned from side to side in the camera.

Tulip nodded eagerly. "You look really good. So fancy. You look good too, Daddy." The girl chirped.

"Thanks, Tutu. Hey, I'll call you in the morning okay? Sweet dreams." Wade said, stepping in front of the camera.

"Goodnight. Have fun at your party!"

Wade ended the call. He turned and glanced at Jason with a raised brow. "She's your 'bestie' and I'm just your really good friend?" He asked. A smile played on his lips.

Jason chuckled. "Don't be jealous, Babe, it makes you look even hotter and we don't have time for a quickie."

Wade snorted. "I'm not jealous. I'm just glad you finally admitted we're not dating." He said.

"Oh we're so dating, I figured you'd want to break it to the kid in your own way." Jason said. His eyes traveled up and down Wade's body.

"Whatever, Jay. Are you ready to go?" Wade asked, shaking his head. He left the bedroom.

"Yeah. We still haven't come up with a plan for how we're handling tonight." Jason said as he followed Wade into the kitchen.

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