Chapter Two

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I've never really had any altercations with Asher until Friday night and now he seems to pop up everywhere, maybe I've never really taken the time to notice what goes on around me in school until now but I preferred it before. It's now Wednesday and I've discovered he's actually in most of my classes and has the same lunch hour and study hour.

"All I'm saying is that I don't get why you don't like him, I mean sure he's a little aggressive and scary, oh and intimidating but everyone and I mean everyone goes to his fights." I rolled my eyes at Alice as she continued to bang on about Asher Knight's fight on Saturday night that she wants to go to.

"I don't like him because he's arrogant, rude and uses girls for his own personal gain, it's disgusting, and anyone who supports him in his fighting are his little female groupies or wannabe jerks like him." I stated and only finished with the slam of my locker before looking at Alice who looked annoyed.

"Fine, I'll go with Hunter but I just thought we could go together and spend some time together since school is literally taking over our lives, but whatever." Damn it she's guilt tripping me, what a bitch!

"Oh you evil-" I started my rant but she just giggled and pulled on my arm.

"We can go out for food after too, I'll pick you up in my car and because it's a Saturday you can sleep over, no biggie, it'll be fun!" She then droned on until we went our separate ways for our last class of the day. "I'll meet you by your car after school!" She sent me a wave as I dragged my sorry self to Math, groaning as the tardy bell rang I decided to pick up my pace or it was another detention for me.

Now that it was Saturday I was so regretting giving in to Alice as I straightened my curly hair, my make up was done and I had my outfit on all I needed to do was my hair and pack an overnight bag for Alice's. I heard her beep about 20 minutes later and thankfully all I needed to do was through my toothbrush in my bag before running down to her car. My parents are rarely home weekends, they always go on romantic trips away or have work calls so whilst they trust me to make the right decisions they're never really here to stop me from making the stupid ones like this. Pulling up at the building there were cars and people lining up down the street, the queue looked pretty long and I groaned as I grabbed my phone and purse before following Alice over to join the queue.

"Thank you so much for coming with me, there's so many people from school here it's like a party, I mean Hunter and his friends are here but I'm gonna stick with you tonight I don't you on your own, if I leave you unattended you might jump in the ring and fight Asher himself." I laughed at her as she looped her arm through mine.

"Well I am only here to see Asher get punched in the face." I replied with a slight laugh, we got ID'd to be over 18 and then paid before we were rushed inside. The atmosphere was crazy once I was in there, moving was like an impossible task there were people pushing and shoving to try and get either to the bar along the back wall or closer to the ring. I knew when everyone around me started screaming that Asher had walked out onto the ring, his component was same build as him maybe a tiny bit taller but they looked like they were ready to fight. As soon as the bell rung Asher swung to take the first punch and hit successfully, watching him was shocking he hit every time and dodged every time I nudged Alice yelling over the noise that I was going to the bar, she nodded and pointed to Hunter, I smiled and walked off, I'd rather her go to Hunter than stand alone in a place like this. Once I purchased my overpriced bottle of water I hung around at the bar not really appreciating the fighting, violence always ticked me off for some reason, hence why I tried to stop him the other night.

The screaming and bells going off indicated that it had finished, I looked up to see the ref hold up Asher's arm, he'd clearly won. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way back to Alice, when I couldn't see her I panicked, I was getting pushed and shoved by just about everyone as they either tried to get to Asher or exit the building. I saw the flash of Alice red hair as she looked around for me, she finally saw me and pointed outside and so I rushed outside to try and find her. Outside of the building was even more hectic but I just made my way to her figuring she'd have to go back to it at some point, when I finally saw her again she was walking with Hunter and one of his friends, if she's gonna try and set me up with him I want nothing to do with it.

"Hey there's a huge celebratory party at Ben Stone's house, we don't have to go if you don't want to but I really wanna go and said I'd give the boys a ride, totally up to you though." I caught a glimpse of Asher behind her getting into Ben's car, Ben is Asher's super rich best friend so it's no wonder he's throwing the party, I shrugged at Alice.

"Sure I don't mind, it's a Saturday anyway so why not?" Hunter grinned at my words and kissed Alice before climbing into the front, guess I'm sitting in the back then. When we pulled up it wasn't as busy as the other place, I guess just kids from our school got wind of the party, thankfully we were in there pretty quick and seeing as I'm not driving I will drink. I was of course eventually left once again by Alice so I was in the kitchen pouring what seemed to be my seventh drink swaying slightly to the half decent music that was playing.

"Hey Stella right?" I spun in my tipsy state to see Hunter's friend.

"That's me!" I said waving before picking up my cup and drinking from it when I said no more he slightly widened his eyes and introduced himself.

"It's Mark by the way, I'm Hunters friend." I nodded and just went along with it, I saw Alice giving me a thumbs up over his shoulder me I just sighed.

"Mark, got it, nice to meet you. I'm gonna go look for a bathroom-" I said trying to get out of the situation, not that Mark isn't attractive or nice, he is I just know what Alice is up to and I'm not interested in a relationship.

"I can come with if-" he cut me off and I just shook my head grabbing my drink and heading up stairs. After sitting in one of the many bathrooms for a while I stood up and went outside, I saw Asher talking to a girl on the hallway probably trying to coax her into a room when he looked up and locked eyes with me.

"Hey loser, you following me?" I rolled my eyes at his arrogance and just raised one eyebrow.

"Oh sweetheart, do you really think that highly of yourself?" I said in a patronising tone hoping he'd get the hint, he just glared and stood up straight.

"Clearly you think too highly of yourself, bitch." I was almost shocked at his words but then I remembered he's an asshole and just walked away from him. I soon heard a snotty voice talk to him.

"Don't let that freak talk to you like that, now come in here and let me show you a thing I learnt with my tongue." I almost gagged as a bedroom door shut, thankfully the music soon drowned them out as I got back downstairs, downing what was left of my drink I thought I'd mix it up and have a beer. 

Not my best idea.

"Never have I ever had sex in the back of a car." I squirmed even in my drunk state at Ben's never have I ever as I watched Hunter, Ben, Asher, Samantha and some other chick all take a drink. 

They all stared at me as I soon realised it was my turn.

"Never have I ever been arrested." Again Asher, David Connors and Jack Turner from Math class all drank. There were at least fifteen of us all around the dining table playing never have I ever and we were mostly all smashed, well I was anyway.

"Never have I ever fantasised about someone in this room." I looked around the circle and watched every boy and two girls take a drink I looked over at Asher and saw him staring at me as he took the drink, he sent me a wink before slamming his now empty glass on the table.

I decided I'd had enough of that game and wandered off to dance, I ended up dancing with my good friend Scott from middle school, we were getting kind of close and we'd hooked up once before when we were drunk but I didn't want that tonight. 

Don't think I'm a slut because I'm not, I had a boyfriend for most of Junior year who I lost my virginity to and then I had sex with Scott once at the end of summer before senior year. I felt someone watching me and their eyes burning into the side of my face, I looked around only to lock eyes with Asher again. What the hell is his problem?

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