Chapter Twelve

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Alice and I spent the whole day at the beach, we were tanning, swimming and generally just chatting and catching up, I told her about what Asher had said two nights ago after getting back from the vet but I hadn't really seen him since he was avoiding me. But then she went on to tell me about Ben and how well they're getting on, they're basically in a relationship but haven't put any labels on it. It's really making me think, I can't get so caught up on a guy who literally is so indecisive about what he wants, and do I really want to get involved with someone when I'm going away to college in less than two months? When we got back to the house I went up to have a shower I could hear voices of the boys and what sounded like Hannah and Sophia coming from the movie room, just as I opened the door to mine and Alice's room Asher came out.

"Jesus Stella I didn't know you were back." He said slightly alarmed by my appearance, I sent him a half smile.

"Don't worry I won't be in the way I'm having a shower and then going for a swim." He just nodded and my monotone response, and in the shower I thought more and more about how the whole idea of me and Asher was silly because I have college and the rest of the summer, I can just relax and not stress out over stupid emotionally detached boys like Asher. Once washed and suited in my pale blue Slovak print bikini I grabbed my beach towel and went out to the dock, slipping in I sighed in satisfaction at the instant cooling down from the sweltering heat. I then tanned and read my book, fictional characters have seemingly perfect and easily lives, I'm only 18 and I already have more issues than these 'adults' I slammed down my book and go back in the water.

"Having fun out here alone Stella?" Sophia asked as she came out on the deck with everyone else, obviously their little triple movie date ended.

"Actually I am yeah." I snapped rested my arms on the deck but not getting out of the water.

"Well good because we're all going out for dinner." She announced holding onto Asher's hand, Alice frowned at her words as did Jason.

"You wanna come Stella? I don't like the idea of you alone in the house." Jason said, huh I've been alone most of the time anyway.

"I'm fine thanks I'm not too hungry and besides Jase I've got the dogs." They all bid me farewell before they all disappeared towards town, I spent the next hour in the water as it was still pretty cool, I even went inside to make food and when I got back outside it was dark but still hot so I floated and swam about for a while but I must of fallen asleep on deck because when I woke up there was a light on inside and quiet voices, hauling myself up of the comfortable garden sofa I headed inside.

"Hey guys how was dinner?" I asked in a nonchalant tone as I walked into the living room in my bikini but I only found Asher and Sophia getting pretty cosy on the sofa. "Shit I am so sorry I thought everyone was back, jeez I'm sorry I'll go back-"

"It's fine Stella!" Asher snapped in an authoritative tone, I glared at him slight before walking out the house slamming the door behind me, I looked over to the girls' and Zach's lake house to see everyone sat around on the deck, I noticed Alice's red curls coming to the conclusion everyone went over there after dinner. Noticing a huge hoody hanging on one of the chairs I put it on and headed down to the beach, I really couldn't stand Asher sometimes, and the nerve of him trying to sleep with Sophia in my childhood lake house! Not realising how far down the beach I got I decided to head back, normally I would have Baxter or Maverick but they were both sound asleep and Baxter can't walk yet anyway. When I finally did get back everyone was asleep but I was once again wide awake, I might go back home for a few days, just to clear my head. And I am enjoying myself but I should be enjoying it a lot more than I am. When I got to my room Alice wasn't even in here, she's spent the last few nights with Ben, so I packed up most of my stuff or enough for just the rest of the week at home and I'll be back on Friday for the weekend. I grabbed my car keys and loaded up my car before changing into leggings and a baggy tee shirt I wrote a letter leaving it for everyone explaining what I was doing.

Alice, Jason, Ben and Asher,

I'm going back home for a few days, I should be back by Friday but I just have a few things going on so I want to clear my head, I'll give you a call in the morning Alice and Jase I'll make sure to call you when I'm home. Don't have too much fun without me and look after Baxter!

️xx Stella

When I got home I sent Jason a text saying I was back safe and sound but I never called Alice, I knew if I spoke to her I'd end up telling her how sad I was and that would ruin her holiday. I also ignored all the phone calls I got that morning, however I did notice not one of them were from him, he's most probably busy with Sophia anyway. Spending this time at home with my parents is good, it's now the Thursday night and I'm going back down to surprise Alice, I spoke to her on the phone and told her I was coming back on Friday but I'm only half an hour away and hopefully it'll be a nice surprise for her, she said it's awful with Sophia hanging around the house but I wasn't sure if she was just saying that. I didn't unpack anything when I got there but as I walked in I saw Ben and Jason on the couch.

"Stella you're back!" Jason exclaimed hugging me, I laughed and asked where Alice was, she was up in the room with Hannah and Sophia, not that I cared but he also told me Asher was in the shower. When I got outside our room the door was cracked open and I couldn't help but listen to them before I went in because I heard my name being thrown about.

"Yeah she called and said she'd be back tomorrow, God she might as well stay there when she was here she was moping around feeling sorry for herself the whole time, she never even tried to join in." I gasped as tears filled my eyes that was most define its my 'best friend's voice. I took a step back and bumped into Asher.

"Stella?" He asked confused, that's when the door swung open and Alice appeared.

"Stella you're back!" She exclaimed pulling me in for a hug but I pushed her off.

"Only to get the rest of my stuff I'm not staying, besides who would want someone who just feels sorry for herself and doesn't join!" I yelled shoving last her and pulling my suitcase out from under my bed, Asher asked what was going on after Sophia and Hannah scurried out.

"You misunderstood what I was saying Stella!" She tried to say as Ben and Jason also joined us in the room after hearing my yelling.

"Well it sounded like you said I shouldn't be here! you two faced bitch!" I said as I threw stuff in my suitcase!

"I just felt bad because you were the only one without a boyfriend and we all sort of have a group going on! You never try to get involved!" I scoffed at what she said before pushing past her to get my stuff from the bathroom.

"Because I was never invited or included! But don't worry about it I'm going!" I said slamming shut the door and storming downstairs with my bag, once I threw it in the boot of my car I went back inside for Baxter's bed and Baxter who was limping about me clearly worried at my frantic state. Once he was in the car Jason was chasing after me to slow down.

"Stella come on don't leave this is meant to be our last summer all together!" He held my arm but I pushed him off as Asher soon joined us outside too.

"And it's been a fucking blast let me tell you!" I snapped, he sighed and Asher decided to speak up, so he's talking to me now is he?

"Stella please don't go, I'm sure that's not what Alice meant!" His voice was torn and I knew that he was lying in his reasoning.

"Oh please, like it wasn't getting to this anyway! Sure I've hung out with you guys a few times but I'm never actually included am I? I've had enough you guys have a great summer." And with that I slammed shut my car door and accelerated onto the road. I only got about a mile down the road where I pulled over a cried.

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