Chapter Seven

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"Hey you wanna walk the dogs along the beach?" Alice asked popping her head into the room, I nodded and stood up grabbing both Baxter and Maverick's leads. I walked outside after being inside most of the day because I wanted some space from Asher, my feelings were growing as he day went on so I thought some space would help, I saw it was nearly sunset. Alice and I went outside to find the boys all messing around on the deck, sneaking a look over the lake I saw Zach and his friends all still in the water and had music playing loudly.

"Hey we're going to walk the dogs along the beach we won't be long," Alice informed them catching their attention, I sent a a smile at Jason who just shrugged.

"Sure but don't be too late were going to party over the lake Zach and all his friends invite us earlier today." I nodded and headed off towards to beach with Alice.

"So you and Ben?" I teased her with a nudge making her giggle.

"I think I'm gonna really like him Stell, like he just seems to sweet and genuine." I nodded and she soon changed her face from a cute smile to conniving smirk. "How about you and Asher? I saw you guys in the water and close and shit." I laughed at her and shrugged before continuing.

"Well he apologised and said we could start again, so yeah I said I'd like it, and I would I mean we could be friends." I said confidently but still felt my heart tug at the thought of Ash and I being friends, just friends.

"Is that what you want though? Just to be friends?" God Alice knows me far too well, I sent her and uneasy smile not answering her but linking my arm through hers and walking down the beach as the sun set. When we finally arrived back at the house we all had a quick bite to eat before getting ready and heading over to Zach's house, the music was loud and there were red cups, drinks and people everywhere. I didn't even know there was this many teenagers on the lake, I had somehow wrapped my hand around Asher's arm trying not to get left behind he turned to look at me saying something along the lines of 'don't let go' before following the rest to the back deck where we could see out house.

"Jesus it's packed in here!" Jason yelled grabbing some drinks off the table and passing them around. We all nodded in agreement, but after a few drinks none of us seemed to care that it was so busy as we were all buzzed and dancing, I felt arms wrap around my waist and I spun to see Zach, it wasn't necessarily disappointment I felt because well Zach's nice and good looking but I guess I would have preferred it to be someone else, we continued dancing until we got a bit too close and I didn't want to lead him on.

"No, Zach lets just dance." I said moving away slightly, I could the back of Asher and Jason but they couldn't see me, Zach's hands continued to travel down my body as he leant in again. "I said no back off." I said pushing him slightly heading towards the others, Asher glanced around no caught a glimpse of me and I must have had a somewhat panicked expression because he turned and walked towards me.

"You okay?" He asked wrapping his hands around my waist pulling me away from Zach as he gave him a dirty look, I nodded breathlessly making Asher's grip tighten.

"I'm gonna go home, can you tell Alice and Jason for me?" He looked confused but nodded anyway hesitating before letting me go, I wished he'd offer to take me back or at least fight against the thought of me going.

"Just be careful." Letting that be the final words said I walked away and headed back to the house. Once I was back it was still fairly early so I put a movie on, it was Wild Child, classic chick flick but I needed something to get my mind off of Zach and Asher, well Asher mostly, why is it that every time he so much as looks at me my heart pounds in my chest. I fell asleep half way through with Baxter wrapped in my arms, I heard the door open quietly and some whispering, soon a blanket was covering me making me snuggle more into the couch.

"Hey buddy." It was Asher, I heard him chuckle as Maverick must have bounded over to him but soon after that he was gone.

The Bad Boy Boxer  {IN EDITTING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora