Chapter Ten

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After what happened the other night everyone started making more of an effort asking me to do things, I appreciated the effort but it soon wore off, I actually ended up spending time with Zach, he came over with the girls and as much as he was a jerk at his party he seems to be really nice now. They were all heading over today and we were gonna head down to the beach today, although I'm spending time with Zach my feelings for Asher just wouldn't go away last night he and Ben messed around a little doing some boxing training out on the deck and I jut couldn't take my eyes off him and the way he moved, it was less scary than the actual fight I saw of course because thar really did freak me out. We were just finishing off our lunch when they all headed over, sending them a smile and a wave we all piled into Jason's car and drove to the beach about a half hour away.

"You girls ready to get your ass kicked at volley ball." Ben whipped from under Alice who was sat on his lap, I was comfortably sat in the front but I spun around to smirk.

"Sorry boys but you're looking at the captain of the state champion volley ball team." Alice and the girls all laughed as I turned back around. It was Sophia, the blonde who was currently situated on Asher's lap who spoke next.

"Suck on that boys we're so gonna beat you!" I giggled and tucked some hair behind my ears and even though Asher was currently whispering in her ears as she giggled I knew she was a nice girl, they both were and that annoyed me to no end.

"Okay we'll see, what with me being one of America's best under 21 boxing champs my reflexes and agility might just help us out." Asher's smug voice spoke up also slipping in about the boxing.

"Oh you're a boxer no way!" I rolled my eyes at Sophia's exclamation making Jason shoot me a look.

"Slipped that one in there huh Ash." Jason teased making Asher smirk once again, I quickly laughed looking around and I caught Asher's eye, he sent me an innocent shrug making me giggle once again. Pulling up at the beach we all got out and settled down on a really good spot whilst the boys set up a net and made some space.

"You guys ready to get your asses kicked now?" Jason asked smugly as he blocked the sun from us. We all stood up stripping down to ours bikinis yet another advantage we have to distract them, all their jaws visibly dropped making us all move towards our side of the net.

"Looking good ladies." Zach said with a whistle as he removed his shirt, dammit, they all then pulled off their shirts clearly also being an easy distraction.

"Let the games begin!" Alice screeched before slamming the ball down on the sand, for a little while it was between Zach and I but I clearly kicked his ass as we scored the last point. Proudly I flicked my hair over my shoulder as all the girls hugged me, I noticed over Sophia's shoulder Zach was not so subtly checking her out, not really too bummed because they're close anyway but it does annoy me both Ash and Zach like her. Grinning I pulled away with a smug look, Asher was sulking by the towels I walked over to gloat of course, when he saw me coming he rolled his eyes with a defeated sigh.

"Don't rub it in Stella." I couldn't help but laugh before carrying on anyway.

"What your reflexes and agility let you down?" I asked in a teasing tone but a smile tugged at the the corner of his lips.

"Whatever Winters I'm sure it was just luck." He snapped trying not to compliment me, well it was a team effort but without me the girls would have lost.

"Just admit it, say it! Say I'm better than you and that I was good." I said daring him to say it, he bit down on his lower lip and crossed his arms, I had stop dig my nails into my palms to stop myself from looking down at his bulging biceps.

"Fine, you were pretty decent out there." I let out a bark of laughter knowing that's the best I'm gonna get from him, he opened his mouth the say something else but was cut off by Sophia.

"Hey Ash! Wanna go down to the water?" She said resting her hand on his arm, sighing I tucked some hair behind my ear squinting slightly from the sun.

"Sure lets go." He said in a low voice making a shiver run down my spine.

"Stell you coming?!" I heard Alice yell, I shook my head.

"I'm gonna catch up on tanning you guys go ahead." They all ran down to the water splashing and messing around, I really didn't mind though I wanted to perfect my tan, being inside resting really held me back, luckily a day out like this will help me out. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to someone blocking my sun and water dripping onto my bare stomach, I looked up to see Jason.

"Hey cuz, you okay?" He asked dropping down next to me.

"Yeah I'm good, just not feeling the water wanna tan." I explained, he raised his eyebrows nodding before lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Jason! Jase no! Put me down! Please Jason no-" I let out a scream as he threw me into the cold water, I adjusted to it soon enough though, we were all messing around when I felt so,domes hand wind around my waist, expecting to see Zach who's very hands on I see Asher.

"Asher, what are you-" he silenced me by lifting me and throwing me under again, once I emerged he was sending me a playful smirk. "Oh yeah? You wanna go?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah Stella show me what you got." He dared stepping out further as it got deeper, he is a good foot taller than me giving him the advantage, I splashed him and tried to grab him as he got deeper but he was too far out of reach, however he grabbed my hands and pulled me into him.

"Ash no I can't touch the bottom." I said breathlessly he just looked down at me.

"I got you don't worry." He had one hand around my waist as I clung onto his shoulders trying to stay up, seeing this as to my advantage I jumped and pushed all my strength down on his shoulders dunking him he face showed shock as well as a little impressed. "What the hell Stella." I giggled at his expression before leaning in close.

"I win." I whispered before swimming away towards the others who were all now playing volley ball in the water. Still a little breathless from what just happened I swam to Alice who was smirking at me, I rolled my eyes shoving her shoulder but concentrating on helping them out looking over at the boys I saw Ben get shoved by Asher who had a genuine grin on his face, seeing this warmed my heart as I continued playing the game.


Later on as it cooled down we were all huddled over our small bbq as Jason tried to cook the burgers, Hannah giggled pushing him slightly as she took over, I looked around the circle and saw Zach and Sophia, they were muttering to each other about something but neither of them looked happy, he put his hand on her leg for her to push it off before looking at me, I quickly averted my eyes to Asher who was looking at Ben as they spoke. We all ended up playing a game of truth or dare, and I really, really did not want to participate but knew everyone would know I was hiding something if I didn't play.

"Stella it's your turn." Alice announced, I looked to my right and saw Hannah smirking I knew what to do.

"Okay Hannah truth or dare?" I asked she looked at mewing amused eyes almost knowing what I would say to whatever she picked.

"Dare." I grinned at her courage and spoke.

"I dare you to kiss Jason." I stated, Jason went bright red and began to argue.

"Oh come on Stella what are we 10-" he was however cut off by Hannah grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss, we all cooed and cheered, until Asher spoke.

"Okay Stella, truth or dare?" I looked at him quizzically not really sure to expect, so I just said truth to make things easier. "Do you find anyone in this group attractive." I sent him a nonchalant shrug before answering.

"Of course." I stated easily, happy with my answer everyone went to carry on but he spoke up again.

"Who?" I tutted at him with a smirk.

"I believe you already asked me one question." He looked me straight in the eye as if trying to find an answer but I just looked down and played with the hem of my shorts. Once we'd finished playing and it got dark we all headed home, we pulled up on the drive and I carried some bags inside with Ben and Alice before Jason strolled in without Asher.

"I'll go get him to lock up." I announced heading out down the path, I stopped short and gasped when I saw Asher holding Sophia up against the jeep kissing her. Not letting them see me I quietly ran back inside. "He's uh with Sophia I didn't want to interrupt." I stated bluntly before jogging upstairs for a shower.

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