Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys I thought I'd just quickly update you with the cast list of who I want to play who just to make things clear, but before that I just want to say sorry for the slow updates and thank you for being patient. Comments and any feedback would be really nice, thank you. Molly x
Stella Winters - Lily Collins
Asher Knight - Diego Burreuco
Alice Jones - Bella Thorne
Jason Winters - Colton Haynes
Ben Stone - Robbie Amell
Sophia - Ashely Benson
Hannah - Victoria Justice
Zach - Austin Butler

The next few days were hell, Asher and Sophia would just openly flirt with each other in front of everyone it really was gag worthy. Scoffing I stood up and closed my book on the chair to cool off in the water, alice joined me as we were both sick of the way Sophia would make comments to or even about Asher.

"Can we not just send her back over to her own fucking lake house now." Alice snapped once we were out of ear shot.

"Trust me I'd send her back to wherever she came from!" I said in an equally bitter tone.

"How you feeling it must be heard seeing them all over each other." I just shrugged not wanting to talk about it, Asher really let me believe that he has some sort of soft spot for me only to throw it back in my face every time it even happened back at home I just don't understand him.

"Sooo you and Ben huh? Getting pretty serious." I teased looking at her and splashing her slightly, she gasped and splashed me back before signing with a smile.

"Gosh I really like him, I don't know what to say Stell I've never felt like this before and he's so great, he's not my type at all but being thrown into this situation I'm really glad I met him, this times different I really want to stay with him." I squealed as she gushed on about him before I hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you." She squealed too before we heading back to the deck, we hadn't really seen much of Zach and I think I know why, he's in love with Sophia, he mentioned something a week or so back about how she was his ex and I didn't thin it was serious but the way he's acting now she's getting close with Asher makes me think otherwise. Once I was back up on deck Asher returned from the beach with the dogs, I grinned as Baxter ran up to me.

"Hey boy, did you go for a walk huh, I missed you." I cooed as I hugged him, Asher approached us with Maverick sitting next to him.

"Hey." He said looking at me, I avoided his eyes knowing that it would only end up with me being a stuttering mess.

"Hey was he good?" I asked still scratching behind his ear.

"Yeah yeah he was great, listen Stella can I ask you something?" He said and the tone of his voice made me look up into his eyes, they held an emotion that I couldn't make out, I frowned and nodded wanting to know what was wrong.

"I was just wondering- uh well I wanted to know if you were okay, since the other night out here I just wanted to check up on you." My heart dropped at his question, I mean what was I expecting?

"Yeah I'm good, I was just being silly and over reacted I was just emotional, but thank you for you know caring." I said laughing a little at the end.

"Of course, and if you want to talk I'm here okay, I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot but it's different now I care about you, you're my friend so just know I'm here." I smiled and nodded before he was called away by Sophia, friends huh. God it sucks to be friend zoned. After a long afternoon of just lounging around we decided to head into town to go to one of the clubs, this included Sophia and Hannah, once we were all dressed up and ready to go we walked into town, we all got in with our fake ID's and mostly stuck together.

The Bad Boy Boxer  {IN EDITTING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora