Chapter Eight

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Jason yelled as he burst into the room Alice and I were sharing.

"What? Why?" I groaned turning over and snuggling down into my sheets.

"It's the day we're going to go out on the jet ski's now please get up so we can eat and go!" The excitement in his voice reminded me of when we were younger and his dad would always take us out on them. Jumping out of bed I went and had a quick shower not washing my hair knowing it was gonna get wet before pulling it into a pony tail and slipping on my dark purple bikini under high waisted shorts and a loose white crop top. Alice got dressed after me and joined us for breakfast.

"So alice gave you ever jet skied before?" Ben asked from next to her, I looked up myself not knowing the answer myself.

"No I haven't actually, I'm really excited." Her smile made him smile as he nodded before speaking again.

"You can get on my ski if you want? Ha know to get the hang of it before you get on your own one?" I bit my bottom lip to stop smiling at how cute they are, a slight blush graced her cheeks.

"Uh sure, I'd love that thank you." I contained my squeal and just continued eating my breakfast, honestly Ben and Alice couldn't be better for each other. I felt someone looking at me so I looked up to lock eyes with Asher, I gave him a smile before he just looked back down at his food with a frown. Why is he frowning I smiled at him? Is he okay?

After eating we all ran out to Jason's shed round by the deck, once it was opened we counted four jet skis sure there are five of us but we won't all be on one at the same time, to start with Alice is sharing with Ben anyway. I saw Asher standing slightly away from Jason as they unloaded the ski's so I went over and gently touched his shoulder, he turned to see me and I smiled again.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem a little out of it." My tone was calm and gentle so I couldn't help but flinch as he ripped his arm away from me, taking a step back I felt like I was back in senior year when we would argue and yell.

"I'm fine." His cold tone made my heart clench, are we really going to go back to the way we were? If that's what he wants then that's what he's getting! Stomping round to Jason I stripped off and climbed on the ski waiting for the others, I heard Zach and his friends cat call when I took my shorts and shirt off and couldn't help but smirk, why shouldn't I have a little fun knowing Asher never has and never will be interested? I need to get him off my mind if we go back to old ways.

"Yo Stell pull it forward I gotta get Ben and Alice's out there's no room!" I got it running and pulled forward a little allowing more room for Ben and Alice to push theirs out and climb on. "Everyone ready?!" Jason yelled out once more, I couldn't help but grin as adrenaline rushed through me and I squealed as we all raced forward and around, Jason and I ran circles around each other like back when we were kids, the water sprayed up at me cooling me down from the blazing heat. My hair spilled down my neck as the wind pulled it loose from the pony tail, I'd never felt so great, this rush really helped me relax and not think about all the shit Asher pulls. I looked back and saw Jason was turning back to the others, I spun my jet ski around and went to head back but the engine stopped running. With a groan I jumped off and into the water to try and see if I could pull it back, it was far too heavy so I climbed back on and looked over the the others, Asher and Ben were pulling the last jet ski back in and Alice was no where to be seen whilst I noticed Jason moving around in the shed. Rolling my eyes they must realise I'm out here still, I tried shouting out but I'm too far out for them to hear me, deciding on just waiting out here in the sun I hoped they'd find me soon because I'm hungry, I tied my ankle around the ski footstep just in case and waited.


I know I was way too harsh on Stella but I can't go on with her the way I was, I can't get feelings for her, she can do better and she deserves better. The way she was out on the jet ski with her hair down and the huge smile on her face honestly only made me like her more but I can't do that do her, she can do so much better than me. Once we were all settled down for lunch I looked around noticing she never came back in, it's been a good half an hour since we packed up, Alice thankfully also noticing voiced it.

"Hey are we gonna wait for Stella?" She asked Jason, who shook his head.

"Nah she loves it out there on those things, she'll come back when she's done, we'd spend hours on them when we were younger." We all dug into our food taking shelter inside because of how hot it was today, once we'd finished and chilled for a bit we heard Baxter barking like mad out on the deck. Running out there we all saw Stella's jet ski completely still on the water but no Stella, Jason ran round to the shed and pulled out a ski before driving out to her, he stood on his jet ski before jumping into the water and pulling Stella out, she was soaking wet and unconscious. My heart started pounding as we waited for him to bring her back, we'd get the jet ski later. He laid her out on the deck and started CPR, she soon started coughing and sat up, there was blood trickling down her head and her face was slightly burnt from being out in the sun.

"Jesus Christ Stella you scared the shit out of me! What the hell happened?" Jason yelled as he wiped the blood from her head, after a few deep breaths she spoke.

"Well I ran out of gas and you guys couldn't hear me so I tried to pull it but it was heavy so I climbed back on and waited, but it was so hot so after a while I jumped in to cool off and as I got back on I slipped and hit my head, I guess I must have passed out." When she was done Jason hugged her.

"You could have fucking drown!" He muttered holding her tight, I let out a breath I seemed to be holding and ran a hand through my hair as my heart slowed down. Looking over her she looked okay but she hit her head maybe we should get her checked out.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital?" I said, Jason agreed and stood up immediately, she seemed to pale at the thought of the hospital.

"Stella I know you're scared but we have to be sure!" Jason said pulling her to the car, I noticed her clothes from earlier and converse so I grabbed them and ran to the car to go with them.

"Hey Asher I'm gonna stay here and make her some food for when she's back okay? She hasn't eaten so I'll get that done." Alice said with worry laced in her voice, I nodded and pointed at Ben.

"Stay with her okay?" I said to him which he had no objection to before I jumped in the car.

"Hey Stella you can't sleep okay you might have concussion." Jason said sternly as she dozed off in the passenger seat. "Stella seriously!" He yelled making her jolt awake, I sat forward and gave her the clothes, that should keep her awake for at least a little while.

"Thank you." She mumbled without making eye contact, I just gave her a slight smile and watched her struggle slightly with putting on her shirt, I chuckled and leant back as she managed to stay awake until the hospital. Once we were in there it wasn't long until we saw a doctor, he was young maybe in his late twenties and both Jason and I got a little worked up when his eyes wandered a little more than was necessary. Not wanting her to think that I cared if other guys looked at her I nudged Jason for him to say something.

"Dude do you mind?" He blurted stepping forward slightly making the doctor clear his throat and shine the torch thing in Stella's eyes.

"You're all good, try and stay awake for as long as possible and eat before you do and then you should be fine to get some rest, take it easy and avoid anything that will give you a headache like the sun maybe or too much television." She nodded and jumped off the bed, she wobbled slightly so I wrapped my arm around her waist but then passed her to Jason, I saw her eyes glisten for a second as if she was going to cry which made me want to wrap her up in my arms but she blinked and walked away. I sighed running another frustrated hand through my hair before telling myself that this was the best thing to do for her.

"Hey dude, you're lucky to have a girl like that as your girlfriend." The doctor showed his unprofessional side once again making me snap, I twisted his arm around his back and spoke lowly in his ear.

"Talk or even think about my girl like that again and I might just kill you."

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