Chapter Thirteen

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My vision was blurred as I drove down the road, and my phone was on the seat next to me blaring, I knew I shouldn't have been driving as I cried but I couldn't stop crying and I didn't want to be anywhere near my so called friends.

---- Asher's POV ----

After about two hours of Stella storming off we knew Alice wouldn't have said that about Stella, she's been complaining all week about how much she misses her.

"I honestly didn't mean for it to sound that way! It was Hannah and Sophia, they're horrible and they were saying how much better things were when I wasn't worrying about not including Stella! I swear I never meant for it to sound like that." She sobbed as Ben comforted her, I needed a reason to end whatever was going on with Sophia and this was it, she's a bitch. I went to send her a text saying we needed to talk when Jason's phone blared out.

"I think she's calling back, hello?" He asked as he answered the phone, we all watched him intensely as he visibly paled before muttering a few words, when he dropped his phone we knew something had happened. "That was uh the local hospital, they found Stella's car, she uh she wasn't in a good way, Baxter's in the Hospital's shelter. I gotta get the the hospital, they've called her parents but they saw my missed calls and rang back, I'Ve gotta go."

"Oh my god I'm coming with you!" Alice said jumping up and following him out, of course we all ended up going, when we got there we were told she's in surgery, Ben took Baxter home and them came back, her parents got there in a state of shock and we all just waited. I felt physically sick, we should have tried harder to get her to stay, this shouldn't have happened to her. About two hours later the doctor came out followed by a nurse.

"Stella Winters' family?" Her dad stood up waiting to her.

"She's stable but in a very fragile state, she lost a lot of blood. She's broken three ribs, her wrist and snapped her collar bone, she's going to be in a lot of pain. When she wakes up she might have slight amnesia from up to 24 hours before the accident but it should come back to her with help." He said making Mrs Winters whimper but relief was clear on both their faces as well as Jason's knowing she was alive and going to be okay.

"Can I ask want happened?" Her dad asked stepping away from her mom so she was out of earshot but we could all hear perfectly.

"There was a collision with another car, the driver was under the influence, and was arrested on the scene unharmed, Stella unfortunately got the worst of it, with a lot and I mean a lot of rest she should fully recover it just going to take time. Her dog was thankfully in the back and was pulled out unharmed, however Stella has a lot of internal wounds also so I recommend that she doesn't move around a lot she needs to stay in one place and when she's released she's going to need someone with her constantly in case of any stitched wounds undoing or any internal bleeding occurs. It's unlikely that it will but I want to be on the safe side and will have a nurse visit regularly."

"I'm sorry guys I really don't want to cut your vacation short but I'm going to bring Stella home, it'll be hard for her to see you guys having fun if she's going to need rest, I don't want her hurting herself to join in." Her dad spoke, Jason and her parents were talking for a really long time before they went to get food, it wasn't until they returned that the nurse told us Stella had woken up. When we all got in the room her eyes were glassy and the look on her face showed one of pain, when she saw Alice her jaw clenched clearly showing that she remembered exactly what happened.

"Oh honey are you okay?" Her mom brushed her hair off of her face which was pale and there were a few scratches and bruises.

"I'm fine mom." She mumbled before taking a drink of water using the hand that wasn't broken. Alice, Ben and I gave them some time and we told alice it might be best if we let Stella take everything in before they spoke but when her parents and Jason came out I wanted to see her, I had to make sure she was okay. When I walked back in the room she wiped away a tear as she saw me walk in.

"Stella." I whispered taking two large strides over to her before she just started crying onto my shirt whilst I tried my best to hug her without hurting her more than she already was. I never should have allowed any of this to happen, out of everyone I knew how she was feeling and I probably made it worse and now here she is in hospital uncontrollably crying in my arms. After a while of just rubbing her back I dropped a small gentle kiss on her head and stroked her hair, she took a deep breath and whispered my name.

"Yeah?" I said looking at her taking her face in my hands wiping away the tears.

"My morphine is wearing off." I couldn't help my lips from twitching upwards at her comment, I laugh slightly making only a flash of amusement run through her eyes before I nodded.

"I'll go get you a doctor, although I'm not too keen on the one here before with the whole jet ski incident." I said with a raised eyebrow, she was looking at me as if trying to figure something out before blinking and speaking up once again.

"You know for some strange reason he asked to switch me with another patient you wouldn't happen to know why would you?" She asked as if she knew I'd threatened him previously, allowing me to then also remember I'd slipped up and called her 'my girl'.

"No clue." With that and an innocent shrug I stepped out side in search of a nurse.

The Bad Boy Boxer  {IN EDITTING}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن