Chapter Four

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So far today is the best day of my life, okay I'm exaggerating a lot there but I'm home alone in bed on a Saturday watching Lord of the Rings with Baxter snuggled up next to me, my mac open next to me whilst I scrolled through Facebook and Twitter, no parties, no Asher bloody Knight and no parents. About half way through the film I thought it was time for a hot chocolate, I padded down stairs in my tight grey tracksuit bottoms and baggy black tee, Baxter trotting behind me still really tiny and cute.

Ding Dong

Frowning I looked from the kitchen down the hall to see a figure outside my door, I grabbed my hot chocolate that was made perfectly if I must say so myself and answered the door. I squealed putting my hot chocolate down and jumping into my cousins arms.

"Jason! Why are you here?!" I asked once he put me down and came in, he smiled picking up a duffle bag.

"I'm transferring here for the rest of my senior year, your parents are letting me stay in the guest room till summer." He explained with a grin, both of us are an only child so as cousins we're really close.

"No way Jason that's awesome! Didn't you say you had a few friends here too?" I asked as I went back upstairs with him in tow, we made up the guest bedroom together as he told me all about football and how he got dropped from the team so that motivated to come here.

"Yeah I mean I know Benny and that lot when we went baseball camp, we've always stayed in contact, they're coming by in an hour or so to welcome me into town, we're probably gonna go out." I nodded and let him settle in and shower, I went back to my film with Baxter hoping this Benny kid and his friends were friendly and I knew them. By the end of the film I was a little hungry and I could hear Jason on the phone to his mom, he must be hungry too so being the amazing cousin that I am I made us pasta, I heard the doorbell ring as I was cooking but heard Jason thunder down the stairs.

"Hey Stell these are my friends I was talking about, maybe you know them?" I turned from cooking my pasta to look up and see Ben, Asher and their friend who I knew from my English class Reece Dyers. I glared slightly as Asher as I picked up Baxter from my feet.

"Yeah hey we go to school together, it's Stella Winters right?" Ben announced to Jason obviously recognising me, Asher smirked at me whilst the pasta bubbled over.

"Hey guys, uh Jase I made you food I wasn't sure if you were hungry or not?" I said feeling slightly uncomfortable with Asher in my house.

"Thanks just leave it in the fridge for me, I'll eat it later, we're gonna chill in the living room okay?" I nodded and ate my food in the kitchen, I could hear them talking about Asher's next fight, who it was against, how much he'll get for it and where the after party was.

"Dude your cousin got so drunk at my last party!" They all agreed and Jason just laughed.

"Yeah she like a drink, I remember this one time-" my eyes widened as I knew what story he was gonna tell, it's completely embarrassing and I won't let him say it, I ran in there and interrupted him.

"You okay?" They asked shocked that I had just burst in the room.

"No! There's a spider in the kitchen! Go kill it please?" I asked pushing him to the kitchen, he frowned confused when he couldn't see it.

"Stella it's not here chill out, just go chill in your room if it's creeping you out." Relieved that the other boys had now started talking about some random football game I picked up Baxter and went back up to my room falling asleep during Criminal Minds. I was perfectly warm and content in my nap until I heard muffled talking that sounded like it was coming from my room.

"It's in here somewhere I know, yeah I saw her bring it up earlier." It was Jason, what was he looking for?

"Just wake her and ask dude." That was Asher, and he's in my room. "Is she like obsessed with this show or something?" He asked noticing I was watching Criminal Minds again, I did mention it to him a few weeks ago.

"Yeah man she loves it, anyway I can't just wake her she'll skin me alive." I moaned slightly that they'd woken me and I spoke into my pillow.

"You know whispering would help in not waking me now why are you idiots in my room?" I say up rubbing my eyes as Baxter shuffled next to me but soon fell asleep straight away again.

"Sorry Stella, I saw you bring up the front door key and we're going out food so I wasn't sure when I'd be back didn't want you to have to wait up." Jason explained, at the mention of food my stomach rumbled slightly making both boys laugh. "You wanna join us just going to some diner." I nodded in thanks and then jumped out of bed.

"Just lemme get changed, I'll bring my keys with us." Jason smiled following Asher out of the room. I pulled on skinny jeans, black converse and a jumper over the top I was currently wearing, I covered my lashes in mascara just to look half decent and shut Baxter in my room, he'd be happy to stay in there till I'm back.

"I'm ready, shall we go? Wait where's Ben and Reece?" I frowned not seeing them downstairs.

"I dropped them home a little while ago they needed to get back?" I nodded at Asher's explanation and hoped he'd leave it at that. "I see you've put so much effort into getting ready." I rolled my eyes at his childish comment.

"Not all of us have to take hours to get ready, looking good comes naturally to me." I snapped back at him, he glared at me and bit back.

"Says the one who doesn't have people following her around everyday." I laughed bitterly at his poor comeback.

"At least the people who do follow me around like me for me and not my money or popularity." His glare was so harsh after that comment that he just stormed out to his car leaving Jason and I in the living room.

"What was all that about?" He asked confused, I just followed him out to the car with a frustrated groan.

"Asher and I aren't exactly friends." Jason laughed as we got to the car.

"No shit Stella you just bit his head off." I got in the car and slammed the door behind me, I didn't say a word until I order in the diner.

"Oh my gosh is that Stella with Asher and Jason Vince?!"

"God look at her hair, if I was out with those two I'd at least brush my hair."

I snarled at the junior girls bitchy comments and spun around to yell and curse at them but Jason spoke for me.

"Yeah too back you won't ever be out with us!" I smiled slightly and then grinned when I saw their outraged expressions before they went back to talking quietly.

"Thanks Jase but I could have handled them." I said in a matter of fact tone, hearing the bell of he door opened I turned to see who came in and it was Colton, oh my gosh, so he shows up when I look like absolute crap, I cursed under my breath as he walked past us not noticing me at all. I don't know whether to be relieved or hurt. I looked up tucking some un-brushed hair behind my ear feeling self conscious and saw Asher looking at me with a knowing look that I wanted to slap off his face. My whole face probably visibly lit up when I spotted our food coming. I ordered a double cheese burger with bacon and fries, I am so hungry I'll probably eat this and order more to take home with me. Once we'd eaten I wasn't really included in their conversations about boxing, football and girls so I just listened looking around. My eyes landed on Colton as he spoke happily win his group of friends, his eyes merely skimmed over me as he continued to chat to Sam Lucas. I probably could have brushed my hair.

"I'm going to get some air." I stated before standing up and walking outside, I lent against the brick wall and sighed, I was out there for about five minutes when I thought I'd head inside. I turned and bumped into someone, they ran their hands down my arms and held my hands, my heart leaped at the thought of Colton but looked up to see Asher, my mouth parted as I looked up at him and he was so close I thought he would kiss me.

"Asher." I whispered with a frown.

"You can do so much better than Colton." His whisper was so quiet I could have imagined him saying it, he stepped back away from me as Jason emerged from the diner with a smile.

"Dude I totally got that blondes number."

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