Chapter Thirteen

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That's all I do, after I got released from the hospital I came home for the rest of the summer, the others only stayed another week but they've been back for a few days now and I'm slowly recovering. Alice has come to see me everyday and explained what she meant when she was speaking to the other girls, she's the only one who's come to see me, Jason lives here and well won't leave me alone, always asking if I need or want anything.

Apparently Asher and Ben stopped by the other day but I was sleeping.

I miss Asher. I wish things had gone differently at the lake house I really do, I wish I had been able to see where things went. After the moment at the hospital I told myself not to get my hopes up so that I don't get hurt again but not seeing him makes it hard, I constantly find myself thinking about him and wanting to see him but if I do see him I don't know how I'd feel.

Can't boys just be like girls and want to have feelings and actually own up to them?

I think he had his first fight of the summer tonight because I've heard Jase on the phone a few times mentioning Friday night and a party and then of course the fight. I didn't ask about it because I don't want to seem nosey but I'm sure it is tonight, my parents went away yesterday for work but my mom will be back Sunday night because she doesn't want me on my own even though I'm perfectly capable of walking now, I can even get up and down the stairs on my own.

"Yo Stella I'm having a few people round in a bit before the fight, that cool?" Jason yelled bursting through he door making Baxter jump on my lap and bark at him.

"Ohhh did he scare you honey?" I asked scratching behind his ear as he slowly fell back to sleep, I looked up at Jason and continued. "Of course that's fine, just keep it down my head is killing me." I explained making him give me a small smile.

"Okay sure, you want some food or anything? Ben's stopping my Burger King on his way round." My eyes lit up and I nodded telling him what I wanted making him laugh and text Ben. As soon as he left my room my stomach dropped, that meant Asher was coming here beforehand? I sat up quickly ignoring the sharp pain in my head and headed straight for my ensuite. I freshened up, brushed my teeth and added a little foundation to cover the bags under my eyes and jumped back in bed, I was concentrating on the Hawaii Five -O episode I was watching when my door flew open almost giving me a heart attack.

"Jesus Christ Ben you scared the life out of me!" I said breathlessly clutching my heart, he burst out laughing and walked in followed by Asher and Jason strolling in after him, my heart started pounding like crazy in my chest I'd be surprised if they couldn't hear it.

"Okay this little meeting doesn't have to take place in my room." I stated as they all got comfortable with their food.

"Of course it does we miss our little Stella." Ben cooed as he laid across my bed once Baxter jumped off and left to find his bed downstairs.

"Come on we bought you food let us hangout." I rolled my eyes at Asher's words and I wondered how those could be his casual first words to me, I just nodded and started unwrapping my food.

"You know considering your condition you look pretty good Stella." Ben said with a smirk making me giggle as Jason threw a fry at the back of his head from my desk chair.

"Dude cut it out that's my cousin I'll cut you." I laughed more at Jason's threat knowing that it would be highly unlikely that Jason would hurt Ben.

"So there's a fight tonight?" I asked casually looking up at the boys, I took in Asher's appearance, he was wearing tight black jeans and a fitting white tee shirt making him look so casually dreamy it made me sick. I averted my gaze to Ben who spoke up.

"Yeah Asher's fighting the douche that beat the shit out of me in senior year I can't wait to see him go down, it's gonna be awesome." He was speaking with a mouth full of food and grimaced.

"Gross don't speak with your mouth full! Is Alice going?" He nodded and swallowed his burger.

"Yeah we're picking her up on the way but she's not going to the party after, she doesn't wanna go without you." I nodded in understanding, she'd be there on her own with the boys which isn't bad but it's just nice to have girl company at parties like Ben's.

"So you think you're ready?" I asked looking over at Asher who was sitting on my window seat quite comfortably sipping on his water. He seemed caught off guard at my question and swallowed his water harshly making me raise a suspicious eyebrow.

"Yeah uh, yep since getting home I've just been training so I reckon I've got this one." I smiled and nodded.

"Well that's good. What time will you be back Jase?" I asked putting some fries in my mouth.

"Whenever you want, I'm going to the fight but I don't want you here on your own so I won't go to the party." I rolled my eyes.

"You know I'm fine Jason, I'll be okay tonight, probably fall asleep anyway." He shrugged leaning back an giving me a look.

"I don't care." I rolled my eyes and muttered a stroppy tone before Ben looked up from his phone and grinned.

"Guys Alice said she'll come to the party." I smiled at his happiness glad he's able to show how much he likes Alice, they're both so well suited for each other. He just needs to man up and ask her to be his girlfriend.

I did as I said I would and fell asleep pretty much after they left at 7pm, however I was rudely awoken from my nap at around midnight when the front door burst open and there was yelling and banging from downstairs. I immediately assumed it was burglars as I hadn't heard Jason come home earlier on in the night, I slowly crept out of bed waking Baxter who wasn't even aware anyone else was in the house and ran downstairs ahead of me, by the time I got half way down the stairs I recognised the voices and excelled the breath I was holding.

"I can't believe he won." Jason said in a quiet shocked tone.

"He fucking cheated and they know it, how the fuck did he beat me?" Asher fumed slamming what I assumed was his fist on the kitchen table.

"He won because he distracted you again! Dude he threaten Ben to your face and even me you were concentrating and technicalities let you down." Jason explained trying to calm him down, it didn't work because I heard the chair scrap back and a groan of frustration.

"He's such a sleaze man I swear if I could just fight him without him tormenting me I'd fucking kill him." He sighed and I walked in to see him leaning on the counter in his jogging bottoms and tee running hands down his face. "Fucking asshole."

"You guys okay?" I asked in a small voice gaining their attention, Jason just turned and smiled but Asher looked up at me and I knew he wanted to but he just couldn't smile.

"He let that prick Connor get the better of him, he shouldn't have but he won." I bit my lip at Jason's explanation and sat down at the table where Jason was, Asher eventually sat down and groaned.

"I'm so stupid for letting him get to me." I sighed at his words.

"He sounds like a right asshole." At my words they both laughed, I let out a giggle and that made them laugh more, glad I got them out of their funks I stood up and went to head back upstairs. I got out the hallway and to the bottom of my stairs when Asher ran out.

"Hey Stella wait up." I turned and faced him, his cheeks were red and his eye was bruising slightly. "Uh thanks, I needed that." I nodded and smiled.

"Anytime, I just hate seeing you two all annoyed." He sent me a small dashing smile making my heart skip a little.

"Goodnight." He whispered touching my arm slightly making goosebumps erupt almost immediately, he looked down at his hand and took it away with a chuckle.

"Goodnight." I managed to say breathlessly and head back upstairs leaving him standing in the hallway with a smile on my face. I definitely know how I feel about him and that doesn't scare me but I know it's going to change me somehow.

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