Chap. 9

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"RUN!!!", and with that, the four of you run away. Nami with her treasure and you helping Zoro run, with Luffy.

"Why do always speak before thinking?", Nami tries to scold Luffy, yet he's doesn't seem faced with that.

"This is a good town, for the well being of their mayor, they all do their best to fight for him!", he exclaimed instead.

"Hm, that means they care about him and that he is a good person.", you agree with Luffy.

"Doesn't matter what apologise I said, they still would be angry.", he continued still with a big grin. "Hey, turn in this way."

With that, you and Luffy turn left, arresting Zoro with both of you. Nami is taken by surprise, as she continues to run ahead, but soon enough she's already with you guys.

So, as you all run in the start street, Shushu stays in the middle, so the four of you jump above him and continue running.
Nami and Luffy let free some exclamation of surprise, upon seeing the doggie, staying there determined.

Soon enough the town people reach Shushu, being stopped by the same doggie, being impeded to continue running after you all.

"Thank you, Shushu!", you manage to say loud enough for the doggie to hear.

"See ya', doggie!", you chuckle, hearing Luffy.

Quickly, now with no one running after you, you arrive at the shore where all your 3 boats are.

"Thanks to Shushu, we could escape!", Nami sighs of relief trying to make her breathing stable again. "Why did you put us in that situation?"

"It wasn't that bad...", you look at Luffy to see him pout. "We made what we wanted." 

"Well, yes, that's true..."

You land Zoro to Luffy before you go check your boat to see if everything is there.
And as you that you mute their voices.

You come back to them when it's time to go in the sea. Your boat stood beside Zoro and Luffy's boat. You decide then to lay down on the deck to take a small nap.

As the conversation between Zoro, Luffy and Nami go on, you just stay there listen, answering if they asked you something.

You listen as it appears that the mayor appeared. "I'm sorry, I will return the favour someday!"

"Don't worry about it! Go with ease!", Luffy yells as you are a little far from land already.

Definitely, he's a good person, I guess
Being wake up of your thoughts, you watch as Nami fights with Luffy, putting his head in the seawater because he left the treasure in the land. You laugh with Zoro at that.

"Well for the good or bad, in this way we have a navigator now...", you hear Zoro say.

"That's right, and she's a good one, she has guided mine and her boat to this town.", you say to him.

• time skip •

You are awake by laughs, and without correctly comprehending, you see yourself in a restaurant with Luffy, Nami, Zoro and some dude with a long nose and curly black hair, eating.

That guy remembers me of Pinocchio...

"I meet him when I was younger.", Luffy says while munching in his meat to the Pinocchio guy.

"My dad was in Shanks ship."


"Hm, you look just like your dad, that's why I knew that you were his son, as soon I saw you."

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