Chap. 11

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"Eh?! They're going to kill Kaya-san?! Are they really going to attack the village?!"
The three kids shouted in unison, their voices full of shock and surprise, to Luffy.

"Yeah, that's what they said. No question about it.", the straw hat boy confirmed the kids' fears.

"So what were you sleeping down here for?", the green boy turns in his captain's direction.

Luffy in turn smiles looking up to him as he's sitting cross-legged beside Zoro. "That's the thing! I thought I was up on the how'd I get down here?", crossing his arms as well, Luffy says smiling.

And so the kids started discussing the matter between them.
"I knew it! Klahadore's a bad guy!"
"It's no wonder he seemed so creepy!"
"So that's why our captain ran to the village with that intense look!"

"That's great, then! Now they'll know, and can run away beforehand! Talk about stupid guys!", Nami exclaims.

"Yeah, that's right! We gotta run away, too!"
"Yeah! We gotta organize all our prized possessions..."
"--...and hurry!"
"--...and hurry!"
As they shout in agreement, the three kids run away to the village.

Now just the four of you, the silence is cut off by Luffy's exclamation. "Oh, no!"

"What's it is?", Zoro asks.

"We need to stock up on food before the meat shop guy runs away!", at Luffy's preoccupations, Zoro hits him in the head with his sword on its scabbard.

"That's not the issue at hand here.", and as Zoro says that, Luffy falls to the ground making his hat rolling to the ground.

"I don't think it's gonna be that simple.", you say, picking up the straw hat and handing it to the boy in front of you.
Luffy then gives you a huge smile and a thank you, as he holds his hat and puts it on.

"What do you mean?", Nami then asks confused.

"To what I saw, the Pinocchio boy is known to be a lier. And to my knowledge of a popular story of my childhood, I don't think the people in the village will believe him when he says something about pirates invading.", you say while thinking about what to do.

"I'm curious about that story, but if you're right what should we do?", this time, Zoro asks.

"It's a story of a young shepherd boy that every day lied to his town that a wolf had eaten his flock, asking for help. But someday it truly happened, a wolf came and he asked for help from his town but after all the times he lied about it, o one helped. So when he came back to his flock every sheep had been eaten."

And with that story, everyone stayed silent.
"I don't know if it truly happened, cause it's a story that's passed generation to generation, used to make the kids learn to not lie. Also, it's quite similar to the situation I think is happening. Oh, and I think we will think about some plan soon... it's the feeling I have."

"So that guy in your story is Usopp?!", Luffy exclaims impressed.

"Most likely not, but I would say their situation is similar..."

•Time skip•

Now, as the sun is getting down, you all walk down the road that leads to the village.
Honestly, you don't remember when but somehow you all had found the three kids again.

Then in the distance, Usopp is seen.
The kids exclaim.

"Yo!", Luffy greets a smiling Usopp.

"Huh? You're alive?!", then the Pinocchio boy runs to the other in shock.

"Alive? Yeah, I just woke up.", Luffy answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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