Chapter Seventeen

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There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time. So long, that I though she might've hung up.

"Miranda, is that really you?" She asked, sounding a bit choked up.

"Mandy, Mom, and yes, it's me. It's been, like, eight years, I've missed you," I said. I wouldn't necessarily say I missed her, but if I wanted to maybe bridge our relationship, I had to start somewhere.

"I missed you too. And what? You're pregnant? I didn't even know you got married," she said, making me wince from where I knew the conversation was going to go.

Oh God, here we go.

"I'm not married. It was an accident with my boyfriend. Well, ex," I said. She is gonna fucking blow up. I mentally prepared myself for the task of hanging up and going another seven years without calling her.

"Not married? Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Does he even know you're pregnant?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. I wasn't expecting her to just blow it off.

"No, he doesn't know. I left him before he found out. I live with a friend now," I said. This is still weird. How are we talking like we never fought?

"How far are you?"

"Seven months. It's a girl," I smiled then.

"Oh, Mandy, that's great! Girls are more fun," She said with a laugh.

"Yeah, they are," I replied, chuckling a bit as well. Come on, Mandy, just spit it out, "Hey, um, do you still live in Florida?"

"Yeah, duh. Why?" She said.

Here goes...

"I kind of, um, wanna come over and see you," I stammered, then cringed. God, I could have said that better.

"Oh my gosh! Please? Mandy!" She said, and I laughed.

"Okay, okay! I'll come over. How about next weekend?" I asked.


Max (suprise!)

I was sprawled out on the couch, high off my ass, waiting for Craig to call to bitch some more. I'm pretty sure they're gonna kick me out of the band, probably today, actually. Everyone had a band meeting, without me. Which sucks, because I really love this band. My phone rang- Craig.

"Hello?" I muttered.

"Hey Max, we're all really sorry about this, but you're out of the band. You and your drug habits have become a liability to our name and you can barely stand up anymore. I'm so sorry, I hope you get better and if you ever need us, call-," I hung up the phone.


I kind of wanted to cry, but I didn't. I knew this was coming. They've warned me time and time again that if I didn't get it together, I was out. I said I was going to rehab, but I never actually went, I just came home and did more drugs. Story of my life.

I'm gonna miss that band. Just add it to my list of things I miss.

Being sober, as much as I hate to admit it.

Ronnie and the friendship we had.


I rolled my eyes at myself, like I haven't been down that road enough.

It's been so long since the last time I saw her. I wonder if she still remembers me. She's probably dead. The ache in my chest from when she first left is gone, leaving nothing in it's place. I couldn't help but wonder if I've ever actually seen her after she left, and just didn't know it.

Don't be fucking ridiculous.

I don't even know why I still think about her, I've had much longer relationships than her. I guess it's because she up and left for no reason, at least none that anyone knew of. I still talk to Insomniac Outcast sometimes. Thet found a guitarist to replace Mandy. He's not as good as her. They can't even play any of their songs with incredibly fast solos right now because the new guy can't do them. Lame motherfucker.

My eyes began to close on their own accord, and I welcomed it. I could feel my consciousness slipping away, and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

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