Chapter Twelve

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4 Weeks Later


Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why?!

I looked at the small stick I held. Positive, damn it. I didn't want children right now! I had stuff to do! I'm only 22! I have a band. I have a life, I didn't need a kid to ruin it. What am I gonna tell Max?

I started breathing faster, and my mind raced with all the thoughts I had. What if he doesn't want kids either? What if he bailed? We've only been together for basically a month, there's nothing that would hold him here with me.

My breathing slowed back down as I rationalized what to do. I should just tell him. He'll understand, right?

I threw the pregnancy test in the trash and walked off the bus in search of Max. I knew I needed to tell him that I'm pregnant.

I can do it. I can do it.

I saw Max talking to his manager in a heated conversation. I can do it. I was shuffling towards him when his irritated gaze landed on me.

"Mandy!" He called out and jogged to me, I paled.

"What's going on?" I asked. I knew I was avoiding the subject, and I was afraid to tell him now, while he was already on edge.

He rolled his eyes and huffed, "There's a bunch of stage issues going on with set up, a bunch of bullshit. What's wrong with you?"

"Hey. What's wrong?" he asked.

I-uh...well, Max, I..." I stuttered. I tried to take a deep breath, but, I couldn't make the words come out, "I just wanted to say I'm see you later," I said as I turned my back and walked away. I cussed under my breath, I couldn't do this.

There were only so many options for Max, decide he wants nothing to do with us, or quit ETF to be with us, and maybe quit drugs, if he even can. Or, he would stay in the band, and only be around when was convenient for him. I know it takes two to lay down and make a child, but I wouldn't want to ruin his life because we weren't careful. Escape the Fate is already more than Insomniac Outcast is, and I didn't want to take that away from him.

I also knew that I couldn't have a healthy pregnancy without check ups with doctors, and a steady environment, neither of which I can have while on tour.

With more vigor in my step, I jogged around looking for Chris. I eventually found him lounging around on the tour bus. Luckily, he was alone.

"Hey Chris, can we talk?" I asked as I picked at my nails nervously.

"Sure, what's up?" He asked, patting the seat next to him. I sat down nervously.

"I think I need to leave the band. I'm sorry it's such short notice," I said, and I looked down at my lap.

"What? Why? You love this band. What's wrong?" He asked, but he kept his tone even.

"I've got some things coming up, they're very sudden, that I have to taken care of. I do love this band, but I can't do it all," I finished, and tried my best to stifle my tears, to no avail.

He frowned, "I understand, and I won't force you to tell me. I'll let everyone know. When are you leaving?"

"I'm planning on leaving after this conversation," I said.

"You don't think it'll hurt everyone for you to leave without saying goodbye? What about Maddie? Or Max?" He asked

"I'm leaving so quick because I don't want Max to try to catch be before I leave, and I don't want word to get out. Please, just tell everyone that I'm sorry after I leave," I said, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

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