Author's Notes

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that a new pen name and Wattpad profile must be in want of a new story.  ONC is likely my favourite writing contest on this site, so it felt like a good way to kick off my foray into my new adult writing on this platform.  I always find myself pouring over the stories of the eloquent Miss Austen, so I figured I'd try writing a novella cut from that regency cloth.  And it'll go a little something like this:


For as long as he can remember, Gustavo Dinamarca has felt the smothering weight of his father's title--a title that did not exist one hundred years ago. But a title that his papa, Porfirio Dinamarca, the Count of Marcliff, is determined to see last until time ceases.

Building up the prestige of the Dinamarca name is paramount. For this reason, choice has been a stranger to Gustavo. Everything has been carefully chosen from his favourite past-time, riding, to the length of his beard, never past the chin. Gustavo wanted to attend Cambridge, but Oxford carried more renown. So to Oxford, he was sent. And it is there that fortune smiles on the young count-to-be.

On a rainy afternoon, a torn sleeve lands him in a tailor's shop where the lovely Miku's smile sows the seeds of love. Countless secret rendezvous soon follow. Every moment spent by Miku's side causes Gustavo to hope--no--to presume that he would have the choice of asking her to be his bride. But a letter from his father quickly shatters that dream: Gustavo is engaged to marry a duke's daughter.

Beset by a tempest of anger, grief, and confusion, Gustavo meets a mysterious woman on the street who knows what he needs to do. After the woman reads his palm, Gustavo and Miku leave Oxford, bound for Scotland, hoping to arrive before Lord Marcliff can stop them. However, the couple soon learns that the way to the Scottish border is fraught with obstacles that will shake their love to its core. Will it endure? Or will they burn out before they can exchange vows?


Hope this sounds like your cup of tea.

The writer also known as Xander

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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