Chapter 9

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Hello all!  It's been a while hasn't it? ^-^'

Anyways, please realize I have not given up, not yet.

I'll finish this book (hopefully ;-;) for all of you readers!

Arigato for all the uplifting comments!

Pat yourself on the back for encouraging me to write this chapter. xD 

Dark Crystal: *pats herself on the back* 



~No one's P.O.V.~ 

        "W-what??" Juvia and Gray said in surprise. Greg sighed and leaned into the chair he was sitting on.  

        "A-ano, what do you mean he's your son?" Juvia asked, still surprised.  The old man looked down in shame.  

        "You see, we did not have the best father and son relationship," he clarified.

        "That doesn't explain why Juvia's....soul is out of her body!" Gray growled, a bit pissed that all of this was just because of a father and son arguement.

        "Well, for generations our family has been talking to the 'dead'," the old man sighed, rubbing his temples.  "It is a very ancient magic passed down and entrusted to us called 'Soul Magic'."

        "Soul Magic?" Juvia questioned.  Greg nodded.  

        "It allows us to see the people who have passed, and also allow people to see and talk to them as well," he explained.  "We can also let people see the passed as well, hence the soul extracting."  Their eyes widened.

        "Y-you can let people talk and see the dead?!" Gray said, shocked.  If such a thing existed, why have they not heard about it?

        "Yes, but for a price," the old man sighed.  "If we do that, you can not go back, meaning that you are 'dead' as well."  Well, that was why.  "However, lucky for you miss, he did not hit you with that kind of spell."

        "Then what did that man hit Juvia with?" she asked, starting to feel a bit scared.  

        "It seems that he only hit you with a soul extraction spell," he answered.

        "Is it reversible??" Gray immediately asked.  That was immediately the first question in his mind...

        ....for some reason.  

        'Of course that's the first thing on my mind,' he tried to convince himself.  'The faster this can be reversed, the faster I can go back right??' Greg closed his eyes and tried not to smile.

        "Yes, there is a way," he nodded.  The two mages lit up, but Greg held up a finger to stop them.  "But, I can not tell you."  Gray's eyes widened and his blood started to boil.

        "Why not?" he asked, anger obvious in his voice.

        "If I told you, then it would not be able to work anymore," he simply replied.  Juvia tilted her head in confusion instead of being scared.  She was actually curious as to what kind of cure could be broken if was told.  Gray, on the other hand, was fuming with anger, but he tried to contain it.

        "What will happen to Juvia if she is not cured?" he asked shakily.  

        "That, I do not know for sure," Greg replied, but Juvia sensed something was off in his tone.  "Anyways, all you can do for now is take care of her body because they are still connected and take care of her."  Gray growled and stood up.

        "Tch, whatever," Gray muttered.  He turned around and started walking away.  Greg sighed.

        'It's going to be a while before he realizes..' he mentally sighed.  'I can just hope he realizes before it's too late..'  

        "Wait there young missy," he stopped Juvia from catching up to Gray, who had already left.  "There are still some things I need to tell you."

        "Like what?" Juvia asked.  "Would you like Juvia to get Gray-s, uh, Gray back?"  He smiled pityingly and shook his almost bald head.

        "No, the things I am about to tell you are for your ears and no one else," he replied.  Juvia frowned, but nodded and listened to what the mysterious old man had to say.


Please please please be patient with me!  Don't lose faith in this book!

Thanks so much for reading!

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