Chapter 17

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~No One's P.O.V.~

Gray rushed down the hospital's hall at top speed, shoving every single nurse, doctor, and patient that stood in his way without so much as an apology. He wasn't even aware that he was pushing actual living beings, all he knew was that they were in his way.

'She can't leave she can't go she can't she can't,' Gray thought over and over in his head as he raced towards the ICU. 'Is it my fault oh Mavis it is isn't it I can't lose her.'

"AND JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??" All of a sudden, Gray was stopped by someone blocking his way, and it was someone who was too big to shove out of way. Already filled with pent-up frustration, the Fairy Tail Mage gritted his teeth.

"Get out of my way," Gray spat harshly, having to look up at the person blocking him with a face the mixture of frustration and desperation. When he got a good look at the person, however, he slightly stepped back in surprise.

"Excuse me." He realized that the person in front of him was actually a rather plump nurse that clearly had too much makeup on. "You cannot enter the ICU at this point in time, sir," the nurse announced harshly, her voice deep and gruff like that of a man's. Gray quickly shook his head to get out of his stupor and regained his sense of urgency.

"You don't understand, I need to get there right now," Gray insisted, his words rushed.

"Honey, I need you to go back and wait in the lobby," the nurse grunted. "Let us nurses and doctors handle..whoever you have in the ICU." Gray locked his jaw and gritted his teeth together. Without thinking, he slowly started to cup his hands into formation, a cool mist starting to emanate from his palms.

"Oi oi oi, let's not start a fight in a hospital lady and gentleman." Just before Gray could cast any spells, however, a familiar voice entered the hall. The two of them looked in the direction of the voice to see a certain old man calmly walking towards them with a wooden cane in one hand. Walking beside him was a more stressed-out young man who was unsure whether or not to run towards Gray to apologize for everything he'd done, or stay next to his father. He decided staying beside him was better, though, because the second his eyes locked contact with the Ice-Make Mage's, he could feel the guilt that was already in his gut churn faster and harder. He immediately broke contact and didn't say a single word.

"There is no fight," the nurse scoffed towards the old man.

"There will be one soon, though, if you don't let this poor man in the ICU," the elder man countered.

"Rules are rules here, Greg. You know this."

"Aw, lighten up a little Fatisha," the old man forced a sad smile on his face. "Let a lover go to his own true soulmate when it's her time in need, Shiko." The hefty nurse's face twisted with a frown, but she then sighed and shook her head.

"..Alright, but only because it's you two," she glanced at the tall man beside the senior, who was avoiding everyone's gazes by finding that the white-tiled floor looked quite interesting. She sighed, shook her head, and stepped out of Gray's way. "Go on in. Find your girlfriend or whatever." And with that, the nurse turned around and walked away, knowing that she was probably needed more elsewhere than there. Gray's eyes grow wide as he watched her leave, He glanced at both Kai and his father, unsure of whether or not to punch or thank the younger of the two. However, realizing that he was on an urgent mission, he decided to do neither and ran off without a single word.

Kai watched as the raven-haired boy bolted down the hall, his stomach twisting with guilt as he did so. "How many hints can go past a young man's head, I wonder.." Greg mumbled to himself, shaking his head in pity of how dense the Fairy Tail Mage really was to emotions. Kai glanced towards his old man, sweat starting to form on the top of his head.

"...Do you think he'll.." the young man paused to gulp down the lump in his throat, "..he'll make it?" The short old man casted his gaze downwards and stroked his white beard.

" not know, for once," the old man replied in a grim manner. "It depends on how strong and clear the boy's feelings for her is." He let out a sigh. "So, it can lean either way. Fate, and time, can only tell us the answer now." The elder glanced upwards towards his son with a solemn look on his face. "What do you think?" Kai's eyes grew wide at the question, but they then dimmed after a second. His head tilted downwards, casting shadows on his eyes as he brought his hand up to hide them. His other hand was tightly clenched, and he bit his lower lip to stop the tears that were starting to accumulate in the corner of his chocolate-brown eyes that he inherited from his old man.

"...." He didn't reply to his father's question, which made the senior let out a sigh.

"So that just leaves us to wait," he muttered. "Fate and time always seem to do that to mortals like us."

"...I swear," Kai's voice cracked, "I didn't cast the Dark Arts on her, I swear."

"You were causing trouble for some of the people who came to explore the forest though, weren't you?" Greg reminded in a calm tone, carefully choosing his words.

"I kno-ow, I was being a shitty bastard who just wanted some peace and q-quiet, but, I was just casting some harmless sleeping or trick-of-the-light spells! I swear, I would never cast any Dark Arts spell, after..after..." He let out a quivering breath, a few tears escaping from his hands. " know what.." Greg closed his eyes and nodded.

"Yes, I do 'know what'," he replied quietly. "However, the blame for that situation belonged and still belongs to me and me only. Perhaps the blame for these events belong to you, perhaps not. Whether the blame for this young lady's tragic events is pinned on you or not does not matter. Such things will not change the outcome of whether or not she will continue to exist in this realm."

"I, yeah.." the tall man mumbled, slowly wiping his tears on his large hands. "S'pose you're right."


Hey look this book got updated lol.

I've decided that I'm not going to make these chapters super long. Why?

Because we're approaching the end soon. >;)

(and also I got into Homestuck and I'm complete trash for it soooooo)

Anyways, thanks for staying with me this long minna, and I hope that you'll stay to the end!

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