Chapter 16

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So. I'm late. Very late.


Also I looked back at all the other chapters and I was like, "Whoa. What?"


I don't know how you readers put up with me, but thank you so much for doing so.



~The Next Day~

~No One's P.O.V.~

Gray was sitting at a table in the Fairy Tail guild. In one of his hands was a beer mug, while the other was tapping the wooden table. Something was missing, but he didn't know what.

All of a sudden, a chair flung above his head, inches away from hitting him. "OI, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE THROWING THINGS FLAME BRAIN!" Gray yelled, a tick mark forming on his head as he yelled at his hot-headed rival.

"SHUT UP ICE PRINCESS!" Natsu spat back. The two boys clashed, their foreheads striking each other's.

"BOTH OF YOU, ENOUGH." Just as they were about to start an all-out fight, Erza stopped them with her sharp and menacing voice. The two shivered in fear and meekly nodded. Erza nodded satisfied and walked away. Once she was out of sight, Gray looked around. There was still something missing, he felt it in the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, Natsu," Gray called out to him, using his actual name.

"What?" Natsu responded, hands over his head as his eyes scanned for a certain blonde.

"Is there...someone missing today?" Gray asked awkwardly, examining his surroundings once more. He didn't know how he knew that it was a someone, but he just did. 

 And then, he realized it. 

"Hey, where's Juvia?" he frowned and scanned his surroundings for any sign of the Rain Woman.

"Don't you remember?" Natsu's face twisted into a frown. "She's dead. You killed her when you were fighting her in that whole Phantom Lord event remember?"

At the sound of the word 'kill,' Gray's heart immediately plunged all the way down to his stomach.

Gray woke up with a sound that was a mixture of a yell and a gasp. He gulped in as much air as he could as he clutched the part of his chest where his heart laid. 'Dream. Dream. Dream. Dream,' he kept telling himself. No way he could have killed her. No way he could have kill the once gloomy bluenette. When he somewhat calmed down, he ran a hand through his raven hair.  He felt so conflicted. Did he want to be with Juvia? Or was he getting manipulated? He didn't know, but Juvia deserved an apology at the very least.  He wiped the sweat that was forming on his forehead and took a deep breath.  He got off his bed and randomly picked up a shirt and pants.  Wearing them, he didn't even bothered to see how messy he probably looked.  Taking a deep breath, he looked over to the bed next to his, only for a loud gasp to escape from his mouth.

Juvia's body wasn't there.  All that laid on the bed was the pillow and sheets that had been neatly folded.  

Gray started to panic, flashes of his recent dream coming back to him. It was just a dream right..?! "Juvia?!" he called out loud, knowing that that was the only thing he could do as he helplessly looked around the room.  Nothing, there was nothing.

"G-G-Gray-sam-ma.." Gray's dark blue eyes grew wide and he quickly turned around.  There, standing at the door, was Juvia.  Her body was furiously shaking and her own blue eyes could not be seen as her ocean-blue hair was covering them. 

"J-..Juvia...?" His voice was barely above a whisper as his whole body was frozen with shock. Her whole appearance reminded him of the dream he had just yesterday.  The whole recollection of it made his spine shiver, but he had to bring himself back into reality.  "What happened to you Juvia..?" he asked, starting to walk over to the door.


Pain.  That was the sensation across Juvia's entire body.  Last night, after pathetically wishing herself a "happy birthday," she had trudged back to the hospital.  As soon as she entered through the doors, however, pain started crawling up her body.  She couldn't scream nor cry for help, and even if she did, no one would have heard her.  She had collapsed onto the tiled floor of the hospital.  At that time, she had looked at her hands, and found them fading.  

She didn't know what was happening, but the pain lingered throughout the entire night, and it had taken her that entire time to go up to her room, as she couldn't bear the pain whenever her body started to become transparent.  Her body had faded in and out of transparency throughout the entire trip, but she knew she had to persist.  She knew she had to go to where Gray was.  She had remembered what Greg had told her, and she wanted to say something to her love before she was gone, even if he did hate her for no reason she could find.  Maybe all those times of stalking had finally caught up to her.  Juvia mentally laughed at the thought.  A couple days ago, she would never had thought that she would be dying, much less knowing how much Gray hated her.  She knew that he didn't like her, but she had thought at the time that being persistent was good enough to have him gain mutual feelings for her.

Looks like she was wrong.  

Even so, she refused to die without telling her Gray-sama one more time.  


Finally reaching her destination, it took her every ounce of her will not to cry out in pain.  It was so unbearable, she couldn't stop her body from shaking in pain.  She didn't want Gray to feel like it was his fault that she was going through this pain, or did he not care anymore?  Shaking her head, she managed to call out his name.  Doing so made him turn around.

  "J-..Juvia..?  What happened to you Juvia..?" he asked, walking over to her.  Juvia mentally smiled.  The look on his face showed sincere worry, so he didn't hate her that much.

"G-Gray-sama, I'm--" She managed to find the energy to speak, but was abruptly stopped by another wave of pain.  By the look on Gray's face, she could tell that he was seeing her fade. 'Juvia's time is almost up in this form,' she thought to herself.  "Gray-sa-ama, I--ah!"  A tiny yelp escaped her mouth, and she could feel her entire presence being erased from existence.

"Juvia!" Gray called out to her, his concern deepening and panic rising as he heard her cry in pain.  He was by the closed door, right in front of Juvia.

"S-sorry.." Juvia sputtered, despite her entire being feeling as if it was being pulled out of existance.

"Huh?" Gray furrowed his brows in confusion. 'Why was she the one saying sorry?  What is she even saying sorry for?'  Gray couldn't understand.  However, before he could even respond, Juvia suddenly vanished, and in her place was a doctor.  The same doctor that had informed him of Juvia's condition when all of this happened. "Where is she?" Gray asked the first thing on his mind rather desperately.

"In the ICU," the doctor replied without even flinching. Gray's onyx eyes grew wide.

"W-..what?"  The doctor let out a small sigh and took of his glasses.

"Last night, near midnight, her body shut down, just stopped working," he explained in a solemn tone.  "We were immediately alerted, and was able to get her stable, but we've put her in the ICU so that we'll be able to know if it happens again."

"Wh--can I see her?!" he asked in a harsh tone, enraged that he was not told of this sooner.  He had no idea what he was feeling, be it sadness, concern, anger, or frustration, but no matter what it was, he had to see Juvia.

"Ye--"  The doctor didn't even finish the word before Gray rushed down the hall, towards the Intensive Care Unit.  ' better not leave me yet!'  Gray said in his head, small droplets of water forming in the corner of his eyes.


So! 1392 words, not bad right?  

I'm hoping that this book can end at Chapter 20, but I don't know for sure.

Until next time!

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