Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jessi POV

The ride there was beautiful. The scenery was amazing. But every now and then it would be interrupted by some immense back pain. Stupid wings, do they have to hurt. 

As I got closer and closer to the academy, the scenery became even more beautiful. Angel energy really does spruce up the place. I saw many boys and girls, coming by their own pair of wings or a ride. They all looked so graceful. 

More graceful than me and I was raised in the palace by the Royal family. That just makes me wonder what the difference is in teaching grace.

I hopped out and before I could grab my stuff the vehicle flew off towards the living quarters or the house that my dad had gotten for me. I stood in awe of the place around me but was surprised when a girl came and shocked me.

“Hi, I am Amaria, nice to meet you!” She said with glee.

“Hey, I am Jessie. Nice to meet you too.” I said, trying to catch my breath.

“Wait, Jessie? As in Jessie Wang, the sibling of Bangtan?!” She asked with curiosity in her tone of voice.

I nodded and before she could speak, new students were called to the entrance to discuss rules and regulations. Ugh, so boring! I just want to get inside already.

Amaria held my arm tightly. I am guessing we were both just as nervous as the other. The headmaster began to speak and we paid attention to him as we did not wish to get expelled on our first day. Although I am sure my parents and brothers won’t let that slide, I am not sure about Amaria.

“I will read to you the rules and regulations set by our King and Queen and only then shall you be let within the walls of the castle but you must swear to never break a rule!” He said with a loud booming voice.

I was bored as my mother recited the rules to me everyday as she just knew I would be going here. There are other academies but none as popular as this one. Many famous angels attended here and it is thanks to this place that they got to where they are.

As the headmaster read out the rules, I mouthed them along with him. Amaria knew I was mocking him as I already knew the rules so she giggled slightly. 

Reading the rules and regulations took about thirty minutes and when he finished, all the new students rushed inside to reach their dorms.

“What dorm house are you in Jessie?” Amaria asked.

“I am in 309, next to my brother’s in 310.” I said as I read my paper.

She jumped with excitement as she found out we were both in the same dorm and when she told me I also jumped in excitement. Sadly this best friend moment was ruined by my overbearing and overprotective brother Jin.

“Hey sis!” He said cheerfully.

“Hey, oppa!” I replied.

Amaria stood behind me blushing as she saw my brother. Many people fangirl over them and as their sister I don’t understand why. Overtime I started to learn why and now I just roll my eyes when this happens.

“Sad to see that you’re not sharing a dorm with us.” He said.

“Well, I share a house with you, I don’t need to share my school home.” I said in annoyance.

“I understand, but if you ever need anything, EVER, just come to me.” He said before he turned away.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door to our dorm house. I was amazed by the inside and so was Amaria, when she stopped fangirling over my brother and noticed the living room.

I saw a room that I wanted and headed there first. There were only two rooms so Amaria took the other one. I took quite a bit of time to set up and Amaria finished before me so she came to help.

We were quite exhausted after setting that up and we both kept getting continuous back pain thanks to our wings. I wonder when it will ever stop. When we finished unpacking, the whole school was called to the hall for an assembly, so Amaria and I headed off to where we needed to be.


By @itssimplykpop

Angel's Academy- Txt Beomgyu and Yeonjun and members of Txt featuring Bangtan🔞 Where stories live. Discover now